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Topics and Tropics:
Selected Sources

Herein listed are works on specific aspects of topical invention and style in classical theory that escape the bounds of a particular time, place, or person. Look here especially for essays on topoi, stases and elements of style. Some references are associated with pages on tropes or figures elsewhere in the site.

Arthos, John. "Locating the Instability of the Topic Places: Rhetoric, Phronesis and Neurobiology." Communication Quarterly 48 (2000): 272-292.
Blinn, Sharon Bracci, and Mary Garrett. "Aristotelian topoi as a Cross-Cultural Analytical Tool." Philosophy & Rhetoric 26 (1993): 93-112.
Braet, A. "The Classical Doctrine of Status and the Rhetorical Theory of Argumentation." Philosophy & Rhetoric 20 (1984): 79-93.
Carter, Michael. "'Stasis' and 'Kairos': Principles of Social Construction in Classical Rhetoric." Rhetoric Review 7 (1988): 97-112.
Church, David A., and Robert S. Cathcart. "Some Concepts of the Epicheireme in Greek and Roman Rhetoric." Western Speech 29 (1965): 140-147.
Dearin, Ray D. "The Fourth Stasis in Greek Rhetoric." Rhetoric and Communication: Studies in the University of Illinois Tradition. Ed. Jane Blankenship et al. Urbana : U of Illinois P, 1976. 3-16.
Dieter, O. "Stasis." Speech Monographs 17 (1950): 345-369.
Dill, R. Pepper. "An Analysis of Stasis in James H. Thornwell's Sermon, The Rights and Duties of Masters." Journal of Communication and Religion 11 (1988): 19-24.
Dyck, T/Ed. "Topos and Enthymeme." Rhetorica 20 (2002): 105-118.
Ferrara, A. J. "Topoi and Stock-Strophes in Sumerian Literary Tradition: Some Observation, Part I." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 54 (1995): 81-116.
Heath, Malcolm. Hermogenes On Issues: Strategies of Argument in Later Greek Rhetoric. New York: Oxford UP, 1995.
---. "The Substructure of Stasis-Theory from Hermagoras to Hermogenes." Classical Quarterly 44 (1994): 114-129.
Hermogenes. On Types of Style. Trans. Cecil W. Wooten. Chapel Hill. U of North Carolina P, 1987.
Hodges, Karen A. "Unfolding Sophistic and Humanist Practice through 'Ingenium'." Rhetoric Review 15 (1996): 86-92.
Kennedy, Verne R. "Auxesis: A Concept of Rhetorical Amplification." Southern Speech Communication Journal 37 (1971): 60-72.
Kramer, Michael R., and Kathryn M. Olson. "The Strategic Potential of Sequencing Apologia Stases: President Clinton's Self-Defense in the Monica Lewinsky Scandal." Western Journal of Communication 66 (2002): 347-368.
Leff, Michael C. "The Latin Stylistic Rhetorics of Antiquity." Speech Monographs 40 (1973): 273-279.
Martin, Troy. "Apostasy to Paganism: The Rhetorical Stasis of the Galatian Controversy." Journal of Biblical Literature 119 (1995): 437-461.
Nadeau, Ray. "Classical Systems of Stases in Greek: Hermagoras to Hermogenes." Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 2 (1959): 51-71.
---. "Hermogenes on 'Stock Issues' in Deliberative Speaking." Speech Monographs 25 (1958): 59-66.
---, trans. "Hermogenes 'On Stases': A Translation with an Introduction." Speech Monographs 31 (1964): 361-424.
Reid, Robert S. "Dionysius of Halicarnassus' Theory of Compositional Style and the Theory of Literate Consciousness." Rhetoric Review 15 (1996): 46-63.

Roberts, Rhys.

Greek Rhetoric and Literary Criticism. New York: Longmans, Green, 1928.

Shenk, Robert. "The Ancient Rhetorical 'Suasoria' Versus the Modern Technical Case. Rhetoric Review 7 (1988): 113-127.
Stone, Andrew F. "On Hermogenes's Features of Style and Other Factors Affecting Style in the Panegyrics of Eustathios of Thessaloniki. Rhetorica 19 (2001): 307-
Sullivan, Dale L. "Attitudes toward Imitation: Classical Culture and the Modern Temper." Rhetoric Review 8 (1989): 5-21.
Vancil, David L. "Historical Barriers to a Modern System of topoi." Western Journal of Speech Communication 43 (1979): 26-37.
Wallace, Karl R. "Topoi and the Problem of Invention." Quarterly Journal of Speech 58 (1972): 387-395.
Wiethoff, William E. "Topoi of Religious Controversy in the American Catholic Debate over Vernacular Reform." Western Journal of Speech Communication 45 (1981) 172-181.
Wooten, Cecil B. "Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Hermogenes on the Style of Demosthenes." American Journal of Philology 110 (1989): 576-588.
Zagacki, Kenneth S. "Rhetoric, Topoi, and Scientific Revolution." Philosophy & Rhetoric 25 (1992): 59-78.S