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Sources for COM340

The Revolutionary Mode of American Public Discourse:
Selected Sources

Primary Texts

Adams, Samuel.

"The Rights of the Colonists." 1772. Hanover Historical Texts Project. 24 Aug. 1998. <http://history.hanover.edu/texts/adamss.html>.

Committee of Mecklenburg County, NC

"Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence". 1775 (?). Internet Modern History Sourcebook. Internet. URL: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1775mecklenberg.html. Accessed August 24, 1998.


Declaration of Causes of Seceding States. 1861. American Civil War Homepage. 24 Aug. 1998.

Foner, Philip S., ed. We, the Other People : Alternative Declarations of Independence by Labor Groups, Farmers, Woman’s Rights Advocates, Socialists, and Blacks, 1829-1975. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1976.
Secondary Sources
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Bass, Jeff D. "'Levellers': The Economic Reduction of Political Equality in the Putney Debates." Quarterly Journal of Speech 77 (1991): 427-445.
Brandes, Paul D. John Hancock's Life and Speeches: A Personalized Vision of the American Revolution 1763-1793. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow P, 1996.
Branham, Robert. "'God Save the _____!' American National Songs and National Identities: 1760-1798." Quarterly Journal of Speech 85 (1999): 17-37.
Browne, Stephen H. "Jefferson's First Declaration of Independence: A Summary View of the Rights of British America Revisited." Quarterly Journal of Speech 89 (2003): 235-252.
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Burstein, Andrew. America's Jubilee. New York: Vintage, 2001.
Clark, Tom. "A Note on Tom Paine's 'Vulgar' Style." Communication Quarterly 26 (1978): 31-34.
Corbett, Edward P. J. "A Comparison of John Locke and John Henry Newman on the Rhetoric of Assent." Rhetoric Review 1 (1982): 40-89.
Hasian, Marouf. "Jurisprudence as Performance: John Brown's Enactment of Natural Law at Harper's Ferry." Quarterly Journal of Speech 86 (200): 190-213.
Hogan, J. Michael, and Glen Williams. "Republican Charisma and the American Revolution: The Textual Persona of Thomas Paine's Common Sense." Quarterly Journal of Speech 86 (2000): 1-18.
McCants, David A. "The Role of Patrick Henry in the Stamp Act Debate." Southern Speech Communication Journal 46 (1980): 205-227.
Mixon, Harold D. "Boston's Artillery Election Sermons and the American Revolution." Speech Monographs 34 (1967): 43-50.
Peters, John Durham. "John Locke, the Individual, and the Origin of Communication." Quarterly Journal of Speech 75 (1989): 387-399.
Ritter, Kurt W. "Confrontation as Moral Drama: The Boston Massacre in Rhetorical Perspective." Southern Speech Communication Journal 42 (1976): 114-136.
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Weber, Donald. Rhetoric and History in Revolutionary New England. New York: Oxford UP, 1988.
Wills, Garry. Inventing America: Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. New York: Vintage P, 1979.
---. A Necessary Evil: A History of American Distrust of Government. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999.
Wood, Gordon S. The Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1998 [1969].
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