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Ethos, Pathos and Identification in Rhetorical Criticism

Allard-Nelson, Susan K. "Virtue in Aristotle's Rhetoric: A Metaphysical and Ethical Capacity." Philosophy & Rhetoric 34 (2001): 245-259.
Andrews, James R. "The Ethos of Pacifism: The Problem of Image in the Early British Peace Movement." Quarterly Journal of Speech 53 (1967): 28-33.
Benson, Thomas W. "Rhetoric and Autobiography: The Case of Malcolm X." Quarterly Journal of Speech 60 (1974): 1-13.
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Browne, Stephen H. "Encountering Angelina Grimké: Violence, Identity, and the Creation of Radical Community." Quarterly Journal of Speech 82 (1996): 55-73.
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Chamberlain, Charles. "From Haunts to Character: The Meaning of Ethos and Its Relation to Ethics," Helios 11(1984): 97-108
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