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Sources in Metaphoric Criticism and Style
in Communication Journals
Adams, John Charles. | "Linguistic Values and Religious Experiences: An Analysis of Clothing Metaphors in Alexander Richardson's Ramist-Puritan Lectures on Speech, 'Speech is a garment to cloath our reason'." Quarterly Journal of Speech 76 (1990): 58-68. |
Aden, Roger C. | "Back to the Garden: Therapeutic Place Metaphor in Field of Dreams." Southern Communication Journal 59 (1993): 307-317. |
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Aden, Roger C., and Christina L. Reynolds. | "Lost and Found in America: The Function of Place Metaphor in Sports Illustrated." Southern Communication Journal 59 (1993): 1-14. |
Akioye, Akin A. | "The Rhetorical Construction of Radical Africanism at the United Nations: Metaphoric Cluster as Strategy." Discourse and Society 5 (1991): 7-31. |
Ausmus, William A. | "Pragmatic Uses of Metaphor: Models and Metaphor in the Nuclear Winter Scenario." Communication Monographs 65 (1998): 67-82. |
Barker, Simon. | "Rigour or Vigour: Metaphor, Argument, and Internet." Philosophy & Rhetoric 31 (1998): 248-265. |
Beer, Francis A., and Christ'l de Landtsheer, eds. | Metaphorical World Politics. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 2004. |
Birdsell, David S. | "Kenneth Burke at the Nexus of Argument and Trope." Argumentation and Advocacy 29 (1993): 178-185 |
Black, Edwin. | "The Second Persona." Quarterly Journal of Speech 56 (1970): 109-119. |
Borisoff, Deborah, and Dan F. Hahn. | "Thinking with the Body: Sexual Metaphors." Communication Quarterly 41 (1993): 253-260. |
Bontekoe, Ron. | "The Function of Metaphor." Philosophy and Rhetoric 20 (1987): 209-226. |
Brown, Richard Harvey. | "Rhetoric and the Science of History: The Debate Between Evolutionism and Empiricism as a Conflict in Metaphors." Quarterly Journal of Speech 72 (1986): 148-161. |
Bryan, Ferald J. | "Vico on Metaphor: Implications for Rhetorical Criticism." Philosophy and Rhetoric 19 (1986): 255-265. |
Campbell, Paul Newell. | "Metaphor and Linguistic Theory." Quarterly Journal of Speech 61 (1975): 1-12. |
Caraher, Brian G. | "Metaphor as Contradiction: A Grammar and Epistemology of Poetic Metaphor." Philosophy and Rhetoric 14 (1981): 69-88. |
Carpenter, Ronald H. | "America's Tragic Metaphor: Our Twentieth-Century Combatants as Frontiersmen." Quarterly Journal of Speech 76 (1990): 1-22. |
Condit, Celeste M., et al. | "Recipes or Blueprints for Our Genes? How Contexts Selectively Activate the Multiple Meanings of Metaphors." Quarterly Journal of Speech 88 (2002): 303-325. |
Daughton, Suzanne M. | "Metaphorical Transcendence: Images of the Holy War in Franklin Roosevelt's First Inaugural." Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993): 427-446. |
Farrell, Thomas B., and G. Thomas Goodnight. | "Accidental Rhetoric: The Root Metaphors of Three Mile Island." Communication Monographs 48 (1981): 271-300. |
Fearing, Franklin. | "The Problem of Metaphor." Southern Speech Journal 29 (1963): 47-55. |
Fernandez, Ruby Ann, and Richard J. Jensen. | "Reies Lopez Tijerina's 'The Land Grant Question': Creating History through Metaphors." Howard Journal of Communications 6 (1995): 129-145. |
Franke, William. | "Metaphor and the Making of Sense: The Contemporary Metaphor Renaissance." Philosophy & Rhetoric 33 (2000): 137-153. |
Frentz, Thomas S. | "Toward a Resolution of the Generative Semantics/Classical Theory Controversy: A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Metaphor." Quarterly Journal of Speech 60 (1974): 125-133. |
Fritch, John E., and Karla K. Leeper. | "Poetic Logic: The Metaphoric Form as a Foundation for a Theory of Tropological Argument." Argumentation and Advocacy 29 (1993): 186-194. |
Graves, Michael P. | "Functions of Key Metaphors in Early Quaker Sermons, 1671-1700." Quarterly Journal of Speech 69 (1983): 364-378. |
Gribbin, William. | "The Juggernaut Metaphor in American Rhetoric." Quarterly Journal of Speech 59 (1973): 297-303. |
Griffin, Leland M. | "The Edifice Metaphor in Rhetorical Theory." Speech Monographs 27 (1960): 279-292. |
Halloran, Stephen M. | "Language and the Absurd." Philosophy and Rhetoric 6 (1973): 97-108. |
Hardy-Short, Dayle C., and C. Brant Short. | "Fire, Death, and Rebirth: A Metaphoric Analysis of the 1988 Yellowstone Fire Debate." Western Journal of Communication 59 (1995): 103-125. |
Hastings, Arthur. | "Metaphor in Rhetoric." Western Speech 34 (1970): 181-194. |
Hausman, Carl R. | "Language and Metaphysics: The Ontology of Metaphor." Philosophy and Rhetoric 24 (1991): 25-42. |
Heckman, Peter. | "Nietzsche's Clever Animal: Metaphor in 'Truth and Falsity'." Philosophy and Rhetoric 24 (1991): 301-321. |
Hidalgo-Serna, Emilio. | "Metaphorical Language, Rhetoric, and Comprehensio: J. L. Vives and M. Nizolio." Philosophy and Rhetoric 23 (1990): 1-11. |
Hymers, Michael. | "Metaphor, Cognitivity, and Meaning-Holism." Philosophy & Rhetoric 31 (1998): 266-282. |
Ivie, Robert L. | "Fire, Flood, and Red Fever: Motivating Truman Doctrine Speech." Presidential Studies Quarterly 29 (1999): 570-591. |
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---. | "The Metaphor of Force in Prowar Discourse: The Case of 1812." Quarterly Journal of Speech 68 (1982): 240-253. |
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall. | "The Metaphoric Cluster in the Rhetoric of Pope Paul VI and Edmund G. Brown, Jr." Quarterly Journal of Speech 66 (1980): 51-72. |
Jensen, J. Vernon. | "British Voices on the Eve of the American Revolution: Trapped by the Family Metaphor." Quarterly Journal of Speech 63 (1977): 43-50. |
Jones, John Bush. | "Impersonation and Authenticity: The Theatre as Metaphor in Kopit's Indians." Quarterly Journal of Speech 59 (1973): 443-451. |
Jordan, William J., and W. Clifton Adams. | "I. A. Richards' Concept of Tenor-Vehicle Interaction." Central States Speech Journal 27 (1976): 136-143. |
Kaufer, David S., and Christine M. Neuwirth. | "Contrasts Between Ironic and Metaphoric Understanding: An Elaboration of Booth's Observations." Western Journal of Speech Communication 47 (1983): 75-83. |
Kirkwood, William G. | "Parables as Metaphors and Examples." Quarterly Journal of Speech 71 (1985): 422-440. |
Kuusisto, Riikka | "Heroic Tale, Game, and Business Deal? Western Metaphors in Action in Kosovo." Quarterly Journal of Speech 88 (2002): 50-68. |
Leeman, Richard W. | "Spatial Metaphors in African-American Discourse." Southern Communication Journal 60 (1994): 165-180. |
Leff, Michael. | "Topical Invention and Metaphoric Interaction." Southern Speech Communication Journal 48 (1982): 214-229. |
Leff, Micahel, and Andrew Sachs. | "Words the Most Like Things: Iconicity and the Rhetorical Text." Western Journal of Speech Communication 54 (1990): 252-273. |
Levin, Samuel R. | "Aristotle's Theory of Metaphor." Philosophy and Rhetoric 15 (1982): 24-46. |
Loewenberg, Ina. | "Truth and Consequences of Metaphors." Philosophy and Rhetoric 6 (1973): 30-46. |
Matlack, Cynthia S. | "Metaphor and Dramatic Structure in The Chalk Garden." Quarterly Journal of Speech 59 (1973): 304-310. |
Mechling, Elizabeth Walker, and Jay Mechling. | "The Atom According to Disney." Quarterly Journal of Speech 81 (1995): 436-453. |
Mumby, Dennis K., and Carole Spitzack. | "Ideology and Television News: A Metaphoric Analysis of Political Stories." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 162-171. |
wa Mwachofi, Ngure. | "Apprehending the Power and Ideological Import of Metaphor in President de Klerk's Rhetoric." Howard Journal of Communications 5 (1995): 331-352. |
Myers, C. Mason. | "Metaphors and the Intelligibility of Dreams." Philosophy and Rhetoric 2 (1969): 91-99. |
Nothstine, W. L. | " 'Topics' as Ontological Metaphor in Contemporary Rhetorical Theory and Criticism." Quarterly Journal of Speech 74 (1988): 151-163. |
Nuyen, A. T. | "The Kantian Theory of Metaphor." Philosophy and Rhetoric 22 (1989): 95-109. |
Osborn, Michael. | "Archetypal Metaphor in Rhetoric: The Light-Dark Family." Quarterly Journal of Speech 53 (1967): 115-126. |
---. | "The Evolution of the Archetypal Sea in Rhetoric and Poetic." Quarterly Journal of Speech 63 (1977): 347-363. |
---. | "The Evolution of the Theory of Metaphor in Rhetoric." Western Speech 31 (1967): 121-131. |
Osborn, Michael M., and Douglas Ehninger. | "The Metaphor in Public Address." Speech Monographs 29 (1962): 223-234. |
Paul, Anthony M. | "Metaphor and the Bounds of Expression." Philosophy and Rhetoric 5 (1972): 143-158. |
Perry, Steven. | "Rhetorical Functions of the Infestation Metaphor in Hitler's Rhetoric" Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 229-235. |
Philips, Kendall R. | "A Metaphor of Controversy." Western Journal of Communication (1999): 488-510 |
Rickert, William E. | "Winston Churchill's Archetypal Metaphors: A Mythopoetic Translation of World War II." Central States Speech Journal 28 (1977): 106-112. |
Schneider, Valerie. | "Parker's Assessment of Webster: Argumentative Synthesis Through the Tragic Metaphor." Quarterly Journal of Speech 59 (1973): 330-336. |
Siltanen, Susan A | . "The Persuasiveness of Metaphor: A Replication and Extension." Southern Speech Communication Journal 47 (1981): 67-83. |
Smith, Ruth C., and Eric M. Eisenberg. | "Conflict at Disneyland: A Root-Metaphor Analysis." Communication Monographs 54 (1987): 367-380. |
Solomon, Martha. | "Villainless Quest: Myth, Metaphor, and Dream in 'Chariots of Fire'." Communication Quarterly 31 (1983): 274-281. |
Stelzner, Hermann G. | "Analysis by Metaphor." Quarterly Journal of Speech 51 (1965): 52-61. |
---. | "Ford's War on Inflation: A Metaphor That Did Not Cross." Communication Monographs 44 (1977): 284-297. |
Stewart, Donald. | "Metaphor and Paraphrase." Philosophy and Rhetoric 4 (1971): 111-123. |
Tallmon, James M. | "Metaphor in William Rehnquist's Judicial Rhetoric." Free Speech Yearbook 34 (1996): 78-87. |
van Teeffelen, Toine. | "Racism and Metaphor: The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict in Popular Literature." Discourse and Society 5 (1994): 381-405. |
Turetzky, Philip. | "Metaphor and Paraphrase." Philosophy & Rhetoric 21 (1988): 205-219. |
Voth, Ben | "The Wall Separating Church and State: A Longitudinal Analysis of Metaphor as Argument." Argumentation & Advocacy 34 (1998): 127-139. |
van Woudenberg, Rene. | "Panmetaphoricism Examined." Philosophy & Rhetoric 31 (1998): 231-247. |
General Theory
Barfield, Owen. | Poetic Diction: A Study in Meaning. 2nd ed. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan UP, 1973. |
Black, Max. | Models and Metaphors. New York: Cornell, 1962. |
Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. | Metaphors
We Live By. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1980. |
Pepper, Stephen C. | World Hypotheses: A Study in Evidence. Los Angeles: U of California P, 1942. |
Richards, I. A. | The Philosophy of Rhetoric. New York: Oxford Press, 1936. |
Ricoeur, Paul. | The Rule of Metaphor: Multi-disciplinary Studies of the Creation of Meaning in Language. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1977. |
Turner, Victor. | Dramas, Fields and Metaphors: Symbolic Action in Human Society. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1974. |
White, Hayden. | Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1973. |