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Sources in Presidential Rhetoric

Critical Sources in Rhetoric and Communication
General | B | Ca | Cl | E |Jo | K | L | N |Re |Ro |T |
General, Generic and Comparative
American Presidents: Life Portraits. A Site to Complement C-Span's Twentieth Anniversary Television Series, Mar-Dec. 1999. 14 Oct 2002. <http://www.americanpresidents.org/>.
Presidential Libraries. National Archives and Records Administration.
Program in Presidential Rhetoric. Center for Presidential Studies and Dept. of Speech Communication, Texas A&M.
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. National Archives and Records Administration.
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. National Archives and Records Administration.
Achter, P. J. "Narrative, Intertextuality, and Apologia in Contemporary Political Scandals." Southern Communication Journal 65 (2000): 318-333.
Alisky, Marvin. "White House Wit: Presidential Humor to Sustain Policies, from Lincoln to Reagan." Presidential Studies Quarterly 20 (1990): 373-382.
Anderson, D. G. "Power, Rhetoric, and the State: A Theory of Presidential Legitimacy." Review of Politics 50 (1988): 198-214.
Anderson, Karrin Vasby. "From Spouses to Candidates: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Elizabeth Dole, and the Gendered Office of U.S. President." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 5 (2002): 105-132.
Ball, M. A. "Political Language and the Search for an Honorable Peace: Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, Their Advisors, and Vietnam Decision Making." Beyond Speech and Symbols: Explorations in the Rhetoric of Politicians and the Media. Ed. C. De Landtsheer & O. Feldman. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000. 35-51.
Baskerville, Barnet. "The Illusion of Proof." Western Journal of Communication 25 (1961): 236-242.
Beasley, Vanessa B. "Engendering Democratic Change: How Three U.S. Presidents Discussed Female Suffrage." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 5 (2002): 79-103.
---. "Identity, Democracy, and Presidential Rhetoric." Politics, Discourse, and American Society: New Agendas. Ed. R. P. Hart and B. H. Sparrow. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001. 19-34.
---. "Making Diversity Safe for Democracy: American Pluralism and the Presidential Local Address, 1885-1992." Quarterly Journal of Speech 87 (2001): 25-40.
---. "The Rhetoric of Ideological Consensus in the United States: American Principles and American Pose in Presidential Inaugurals." Communication Monographs 68 (2001): 169-183.
---. You, the People: American National Identity in Presidential Rhetoric. College Station: Texas A & M UP, 2004.
Bennet, Gordon C. "The Heckler and the Heckled in the Presidential Campaign of 1968." Communication Quarterly 27 (1979): 28-37.
Benoit, William L. "Acclaiming, Attacking, and Defending in Presidential Nominating Acceptance Addresses, 1960-1996." Quarterly Journal of Speech 85 (1999): 247-267.
Berens, John F. "Like a Prophetic Spirit." Quarterly Journal of Speech 63 (1977): 290-297.
Berquist, Goodwin F., and James L. Golden. "Media Rhetoric: Criticism and the Public Perception of the 1980 Presidential Debates." Quarterly Journal of Speech 67 (1981): 125-137.
Black, Edwin. "Electing Time." Quarterly Journal of Speech 59 (1973): 125-129.
Bostdorff, Denise M. The Presidency and the Rhetoric of Foreign Crisis. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1993.
Bradley, Bert E. "Jefferson and Reagan: The Rhetoric of Two Inaugurals." Southern Journal of Speech Communication 48 (1983): 119-136.
---. "A Response to "Two Inaugurals: A Second Look"." Southern Journal of Speech Communication 48 (1983): 386-390.
Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Deeds Done in Words: Presidential Rhetoric and the Genres of Governance. Chicagor: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1990.
Carson, Herbert L. "War Requested: Wilson and Roosevelt." Central States Speech Journal 10 (1958): 28-32.
Ceaser, J, Thurow, G. E., Tulis, J., & Bessette, J. M. "The Rise of the Rhetorical Presidency." Presidential Studies Quarterly 11 (1981): 158-171.
Cohen, J. "Presidential Rhetoric and the Public Agenda." American Journal of Political Science 39 (1995): 87-107.
Corcoran, P. E. "Presidential Concession Speeches: The Rhetoric of Defeat." Political Communication 11 (1994): 109-131.
Cornfield, Michael. "Presidential Rhetoric and the Credibility Gap." Communication Research 14 (1987): 462-469.
Dause, Charles A. "Analysis of a Debate: Two Perspectives." Central States Speech Journal 23 (1972): 86-91.
Dorsey, Leroy G., ed. The Presidency and Rhetorical Leadership. College Station: Texas A&M U, 2002.
Dow, Bonnie J. "The Function of Epideictic and Deliberative Strategies in Presidential Crisis Rhetoric." Western Journal of Speech Communication 53 (1989): 294-317.
Ellis, Richard, and Aaron Wildavsky. ""Greatness" Revisited: Evaluating the Performance of Early American Presidents in Terms of Cultural Dilemmas." Presidential Studies Quarterly 21 (1991): 15-34.
Erickson, Keith V. "Presidential Rhetoric's Visual Turn: Performance Fragments and the Politics of Illusionism." Communication Monographs 67 (2000): 138-157.
---. "Presidential Spectacles: Political Illusionism and the Rhetoric of Travel." Communication Monographs 65 (1998): 141-153.
Fields, Wayne. Union of Words: A History of Presidential Eloquence. New York: Free P, 1996.
Fisher, Walter R. "Reaffirmation and Subversion of the American Dream." Quarterly Journal of Speech 59 (1973): 160-167.
---. "Rhetorical Fiction and the Presidency." Quarterly Journal of Speech 66 (1980): 119-126.
Friedenberg, Robert V. ""Selfish Interests" or the Prerequisites for Political Debate: An Analysis of the 1980 Presidential Debate and its Implications for Future Campaigns." Journal of the American Forensic Association 18 (1981): 91-98.
Gelderman, Carol W. All the Presidents' Words: The Bully Pulpit and the Creation of the Virtual Presidency. New York: Walker, 1997.
Germino, Dante L. The Inaugural Addresses of American Presidents: The Public Philosophy and Rhetoric. Lanham, MD: UP of America, 1984.
Goggin, Malcolm L. "The Ideological Content of Presidential Communications." American Politics Quarterly 12 (1984): 361-381.
Hart, Roderick P. Verbal Style and the Presidency: A Computer Based Analysis. Orlando: Academic Press, 1984.
Highlander, John P., and Lloyd I. Watkins. "A Closer look at the Great Debates." Western Journal of Communication 26 (1962): 39-48.
Ivie, Robert L. "Presidential Motives for War." Quarterly Journal of Speech 60 (1974): 337-345.
Kane, Peter E. "Evaluating the 'Great Debates'." Western Journal of Communication 30 (1966): 89-96.
Kaufer, David S. "The Ironist and Hypocrite as Presidential Symbols: A Nixon-Kennedy Analogy." Communication Quarterly 27 (1979): 20-26.
Kerr, Harry P. "The Great Debates in a New Perspective." Communication Quarterly 9 (1961): 9-11.
Kiewe, Amos, ed. The Modern Presidency and Crisis Rhetoric. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993.
King, Robert L. "Transforming Scandal into Tragedy: A Rhetoric of Political Apology." Quarterly Journal of Speech 71 (1985): 289-301.
Kuypers, Jim A. Presidential Crisis Rhetoric and the Press in the Post-Cold War World. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
Lim, Elvin T. "Five Trends in Presidential Rhetoric: An Analysis of Rhetoric from George Washington to Bill Clinton." Presidential Studies Quarterly 32 (2002): 328-366.
Martin, Martha Anna. "Ideologues, Ideographs, and "The Best Men": From Carter to Reagan." Southern Journal of Speech Communication 49 (1983): 12-25.
McClerren, Beryl F. "Southern Baptists and the Religious Issue During the Presidential Campaigns of 1928 and 1960." Central States Speech Journal 18 (1967): 102-112.
Mehurst, Martin J., ed. Beyond the Rhetorical Presidency. College Station: Texas A & M UP, 1996.
Murphy, John M. "Knowing the President: The Dialogic Evolution of the Campaign History." Quarterly Journal of Speech 84 (1998): 23-40.
Olson, Kathryn M. "Constraining Open Deliberations In Times of War: Presidential War Justifications for Grenada and the Persian Gulf." Argumentation and Advocacy 27 (1991): 64-79.
Parry-Giles, Shawn J. The Rhetorical Presidency, Propaganda, and the Cold War, 1945-1955. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2001.
Pauley, Garth E. The Modern Presidency and Civil Rights: Rhetoric on Race From Roosevelt to Nixon. College Station: Texas A&M Up, 2001.
Peterson, Tarla Rae. Green Talk in the White House: The Rhetorical Presidency Encounters Ecology. College Station: Texas A & M UP, 2004.
Phifer, Gregg. "Two Inaugurals: A Second Look." Southern Journal of Speech Communication 48 (1983): 378-385.
Pratt, James W. "An Analysis of Three Crisis Speeches." [Kennedy, Johnson, Eisenhower] Western Journal of Communication 34 (1970): 194-203.
Ray, Robert F. "Ghostwriting in Presidential Campaigns." Communication Quarterly 4 (1956): 13-15.
Ritter, Kurt, and Martin J. Medhurst, eds. Presidential Speechwriting: From the New Deal to the Reagan Revolution and Beyond. College Station: Texas A & M UP, 2004.
Ryan, Halford Ross. American Rhetoric from Roosevelt to Reagan. Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland, 1983.
Samovar, Larry A. "Ambiguity and Unequivocation in the Kennedy-Nixon Television Debates." Quarterly Journal of Speech 48 (1962): 277-279.
Stewart, Charles J. "The Pulpit in Time of Crisis: 1865 and 1963." Communication Monographs 32 (1965): 427-434.
University of Washington Discourse Analysis Group. "The Rhetorical Construction of a President." Discourse and Society 1 (1990): 189-200.
Weaver, Ruth Ann. "Acknowledgement of Victory and Defeat: The Reciprocal Ritual." Central States Speech Journal 33 (1982): 480-489.
Wilson, Gerald L. "Rhetorical Echos of a Wilsonian Idea." Quarterly Journal of Speech 43 (1957): 271-272.
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Bush, George H. W., Sr., 1989-1992
Palczewski, Catherine Helen, and Arnie Madsen. "The Divisiveness of Diversity: President Bush's University of Michigan Commencement Speech as an Example of the Linguistic 'Turnaround'." Argumentation and Advocacy 30 (1993): 16-27.
Rountree, J. Clarke. "The President as God, the Recession as Evil: "Actus, Status", and the President's Rhetorical Bind in the 1992 Election." Quarterly Journal of Speech 81 (1995): 325-352.
Stuckey, Mary. "Remembering the Future: Rhetorical Echoes of World War II and Vietnam in George Bush's Speech on the Gulf War." Communication Studies 43 (1992): 250-253.
University of Washington Discourse Analysis Group. "The Rhetorical Construction of a President." Discourse and Society 1 (1990): 189-200.
Bush, George W., Jr., 2001-2004
Bostdorff, Denise. "George W. Bush's Post-September 11 Rhetoric of Covenant Renewal: Upholding the Faith of the Greatest Generation." Quarterly Journal of Speech 89 (2003): 293-319.
Gunn, Joshua. "The Rhetoric of Exorcism: George W. Bush and the Return of Political Demonology." Western Journal of Communication 68 (2004): 1-23.
Zarefsky, David. "George W. Bush Discovers Rhetoric: September 20, 2001, and the U. S. Response to Terrorism." The Ethos of Rhetoric. Ed. Michael J. Hyde. Greenville: U of South Carolina P, 2004. 136-155.
Carter, Jimmy, 1977-1981
Altenberg, Les, and Robert Cathcart. "Jimmy Carter on Human Rights: A Thematic Analysis." Central States Speech Journal 33 (1982): 446-457.
Campbell, J. Louis. "Jimmy Carter and the Rhetoric of Charisma." Central States Speech Journal 30 (1979): 174-186.
Kraig, Robert Alexander. "The Tragic Science: The Uses of Jimmy Carter in Foreign Policy Realism." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 5 (2002): 1-30.
Patton, John H. "A Government as Good as its People: Jimmy Carter and the Restoration of Transcendance to Politics." Quarterly Journal of Speech 63 (1977): 249-257.
Cleveland, Grover, 1885-1889, 1893-1896
Hoffmann, Karen S. "'Going Public' in the Nineteenth Century: Grover Cleveland's Repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 5 (2002): 57-77.
Clinton, William J., 1993-2001
Speech Archive. Clinton Presidential Center.
Benoit, William L., A. A. Kluykovski, J. P. McHale, and D. Airne. "A Fantasy Theme Analysis of Political Cartoons on the Clinton-Lewinsky-Starr Affair. Critical Studies in Media Communication 18 (2001): 377-394.
Blaney, J. R., and William L. Benoit. The Clinton Scandals and the Politics of Image Restoration. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2001.
Brovero, Adrienne F. "'Thirteen Angry Men': Dale Bumpers' ad hominem Argument in the Impeachment Trial of President Clinton. Argumentation and Advocacy 36 (2000): 218-226.

Butler, J. R. "Somalia and the Imperial Savage: Continuities in the Rhetoric of War." Western Journal of Communication 66 (2002): 1-24.
Denton, Robert E., and R. L. Holloway, eds. The Clinton Presidency: Images, Issues, and Communication Strategies. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996.
Glinert, Lewis. "Apologizing to the Nation." American Communication Journal 2.2 (February 1999). 27 July 2002. http://acjournal.org/holdings/vol2/Iss2/editorials/glinert/index.html.
Gronbeck, Bruce E. "Underestimating Generic Expectations: Clinton's Apologies of August 17, 1998." American Communication Journal 2.2 (February 1999). 27 July 2002. http://acjournal.org/holdings/vol2/Iss2/editorials/gronbeck/index.html.
Hogan, J. Michael. "Public Opinion and Journalistic Voyeurism: The lesson of the Clinton Apology." American Communication Journal 2.2 (February 1999). 27 July 2002. http://acjournal.org/holdings/vol2/Iss2/editorials/hogan/index.html
Holloway, R. L. "Taking the Middle Ground: Clinton's Rhetoric of Conjoined Values." The 1996 Presidential Campaign: A Communication Perspective. Ed. Robert E. Denton. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998. 123-141.
Kiewe, Amos. "The Private vs. the Public: A Critical Assessment of Clinton's August 17, 1998 Address." American Communication Journal 2.2 (February 1999). http://acjournal.org/holdings/vol2/Iss2/editorials/kiewe/index.html.
Kramer, Michael R., and Kathryn M. Olson. "The Strategic Potential of Sequencing Apologia Stases: President Clinton's Self-Defense in the Monica Lewinsky Scandal." Western Journal of Communication 66 (2002): 347-368.
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, Erika Falk, and Susan Scherr. "The Enthymeme Gap in the 1996 Presidential Campaign." PS: Political Science and Politics 32 (1999): 12-16.
Louden, Allan. "The Rhetoric of William Clinton: Selected Bibliography." Allan Louden's Academic Home Page. 17 Jul 2002. http://www.wfu.edu/%7Elouden/Political%20Communication/Bibs/Clinton.html.
Murphy, John M. "Inventing Authority: Bill Clinton, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Orchestration of Rhetorical Traditions." Quarterly Journal of Speech 83 (1997): 71-89.
Parry-Giles, S. J., &T. Parry-Giles. "Collective Memory, Political Nostalgia, and the Rhetorical Presidency: Bill Clinton's Commemoration of the March on Washington, August 28, 1998." Quarterly Journal of Speech 86 (2000): 417-437.
Simons, Herbert W. "A Dilemma-Center Analysis of Clinton's August 17th Apologia: Implications for Rhetorical Theory and Method." Quarterly Journal of Speech 86 (2000): 438-453.
Smith, Stephen A., ed. Bill Clinton on Stump, State, and Stage: The Rhetorical Road to the White House. Fayetteville: U of Arkansas P, 1994.
Snee, B. J. "Clinton and Vietnam: A Case for Amnestic Rhetoric." Communication Quarterly 49 (2001): 189-202.
Waldman, Michael. POTUS Speaks: Finding the Words that Defined the Clinton Presidency. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000.
Walton, Douglas. "Use of ad hominem Argument in Political Discourse: The Battalino Case from the Impeachment Trial of President Clinton. Argumentation and Advocacy 36 (2000): 179-195.
General |B | Ca | Cl | E | Jo | K | L | N |Re |Ro |T | Web Sites
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1953-1961
Chernus, Ira. Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace. College Station: Texas A & M UP, 2002.
---. General Eisenhower: Ideology and Discourse. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 2002.
Crable, Richard E. "Ike: Identification, Argument, and Paradoxical Appeal." Quarterly Journal of Speech 63 (1977): 188-196.
Danielson, Waune A. "Eisenhower's February Decision: A Study of News Impact." Journalism Quarterly 33 (1956): 433-441.
Freeley, Austin J. "Ethos, Eisenhower, and the 1956 Campaign." Central States Speech Journal 9 (1958): 24-26.
Kennedy, Theodore R. "Eisenhower as Extempore Speaker." Journal of Communication 8 (1958): 151-155.
Liftin, Duane A. "Eisenhower on the Military-Industrial Complex: Critique of a Rhetorical Strategy." Central States Speech Journal 25 (1974): 198-209.
Marlin, Charles Lowell. "Eisenhower Before the Press." Communication Quarterly 9 (1961): 23-25.
Medhurst, Martin J. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Strategic Communicator. Great American Orators 19. Westport, CT: Greenwood P, 1993.
Medhurst, Martin J., ed. Eisenhower's War of Words: Rhetoric and Leadership. East Lansing: Michigan State, UP, 1994.
Mueller, Jean West, and Wynell Burroughs Schamel. ""Out of Fear and Into Peace": President Eisenhower's Address to the United Nations." Social Education 54 (1990): 163-164.
Sillars, Malcolm O. "The Presidential Campaign of 1952." Western Journal of Communication 22 (1958): 94-99.
Stern, Mark. "Presidential Strategies and Civil Rights: Eisenhower, the Early Years." Presidential Studies Quarterly 19 (1990): 769-796.
Ford, Gerald, 1974-1977
Hahn, Dan F. "Corrupt Rhetoric: President Ford and the Mayaguez Affair." Communication Quarterly 28 (1980): 38-43.
Klumpp, James F., and Jeffrey K. Lukeheart. "The Pardoning of Richard Nixon: A Failure in Motivational Strategy." Western Journal of Speech Communication 42 (1978): 116-123.
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Jackson, Andrew, 1829-1837
Strickland, William M. "The Rhetoric of Removal and the Trail of Tears: Cherokee Speaking Against Jackson's Indian Removal Policy, 1828-1832." Southern Speech Communication Journal 47 (1981): 292-309.
Sullivan, John. "Indecorous Argument: The Use of Madison and Monroe in the Election of 1828." Southern Speech Communication Journal 45 (1979): 378-393.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1801-1809
Browne, Stephen Howard. "'Circle of Our Felicities': Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address and the Rhetoric of Nationhood." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 5 (2002): 409-.
---. Jefferson's Call for Nationhood: The First Inaugural Address. College Station: Texas A & M UP, 2003.
Hilbruner, Anthony, "Word and Deed: Jefferson's Addresses to the Indians." Speech Monographs 30 (1963): 328-334.
Vivian, Bradford. "Jefferson's Other." Quarterly Journal of Speech 88 (2002): 284-302.
Johnson, Lyndon B., 1963-1969
 Selected Speeches of Lyndon Baines Johnson. Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum. National Archives and Records Administration.
Ball, Moya Ann. "Revisiting the Gulf of Tonkin Crisis: An Analysis of the Private Communication of President Johnson and His Advisers." Discourse and Society 2 (1991): 281-296.
Bass, J. D. "The Appeal to Efficacy as Narrative Closure: Lyndon Johnson and the Dominican Crisis, 1965." Southern Speech Communication Journal 50 (1985): 366-381.
Brooks, William D. "A Field Study of the Johnson and Goldwater Campaign Speeches in Pittsburgh." Southern Speech Journal 32 (1966): 273-281.
Cherwitz, Richard A. "Making Inconsistency: The Tonkin Gulf Crisis." Communication Quarterly 28 (1980): 27-37.
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Connelly, F. Marvin "Some Questions Concerning Lyndon Johnson's Rhetoric in the 1964 Presidential Campaign." Southern Speech Communication Journal 37 (1971): 11-20.
Gorden, William, and Robert Bunker. "The Sentimental Side of Mr. Johnson." Southern Speech Journal 32 (1966): 58-66.
Hahn, Dan F. "Archetype and Signature in Johnson's 1965 State of the Union." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 236-246.
Hall, Robert N. "Lyndon B. Johnson's Speaking in the 1941 Senate Campaign." Southern Speech Journal 30 (1964): 15-23.
---. "Lyndon Johnson's Speech Preparation." Quarterly Journal of Speech 51 (1965): 168-176.
Harding, H. F. "Democratic Nominee: Lyndon B. Johnson." Quarterly Journal of Speech 50 (1964): 409-414.
Logue, Cal M., and John H. Patton. "From Ambiguity to Dogma: The Rhetorical Symbols of Lyndon B. Johnson on Vietnam." Southern Speech Communication Journal 47 (1981): 310-329.
Patton, John H. "An End and a Beginning: Lyndon B. Johnson's Decisive Speech of March 31, 1968." Today's Speech 21 (1973): 33-41.
Pauley, Garth E. "Rhetoric and Timeliness: An Analysis of Lyndon B. Johnson's Voting Rights Address." Western Journal of Communication 62 (1998): 26-53.
Phelps, Waldo, and Andrea Beck. "Lyndon Johnson's Address at the U.C.L.A. Charter Day Ceremony." Western Speech 29 (1965): 162-171.
Sigelman, Lee, and Lawrence Miller. "Understanding Presidential Rhetoric: The Vietnam Statements of Lyndon Johnson." Communication Research 5 (1978): 25-56.
Smith, F. Michael. "Rhetorical Implications of the 'Aggression' Thesis in the Johnson Administration's Vietnam Argumentation." Central States Speech Journal 23 (1972): 217-224.
Smith, Robert W. "The 'Second' Inaugural Address of Lyndon Baines Johnson: A Definitive Text." Speech Monographs 34 (1967): 102-108.
Weiss, Harold, and Haddon Robinson. "Lyndon B. Johnson." Quarterly Journal of Speech 46 (1960): 241.
Witherspoon, Patricia. ""Let Us Continue": The Rhetorical Initiation of Lyndon Johnson's Presidency." Presidential Studies Quarterly 17 (1987): 531-538.
Zagacki, Kenneth S. "Rhetoric, Failure, and the Presidency: The Case of Vietnam." Communication Studies 43 (1992): 42-55.
Zarefsky, David. "Civil Rights and Civil Conflict: Presidential Communication in Crisis." Central States Speech Journal 34 (1983): 59-66.
---. "The Great Society as a Rhetorical Proposition." Quarterly Journal of Speech 65 (1979): 364-378.
---. "Lyndon Johnson Redefines 'Equal Opportunity': The Beginnings of Affirmative Action." Central States Speech Journal 31 (1980): 85-94.
---. "President Johnson's War on Poverty: The Rhetoric of Three 'Establishment' Movements." Communication Monographs 44 (1977): 352-373.
---. "Subordinating the Civil Rights Issue: Lyndon Johnson in 1964." Southern Speech Communication Journal 48 (1982): 103-118.
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Kennedy, John F., 1961-1963
Selected Speeches [of] John Fitzgerald Kennedy. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library.
Barrett, Harold. "John F. Kennedy Before the Greater Houston Ministeral Association." Central States Speech Journal 15 (1964): 259-266.
Benson, Thomas W. Writing J. F. K.: Presidential Rhetoric and the Press in the Bay of Pigs Crisis. College Station: Texas A & M UP, 2003.
Berquist, Goodwin F. "The Kennedy-Humphry Debate." Communication Quarterly 8 (1960): 2-3.
Bostrom, Robert N. ""I Give You A Man"--Kennedy's Speech for Adlai Stevenson." Communication Monographs 35 (1968): 129-136.
Depoe, S. P. "Space and the 1960 Presidential Campaign: Kennedy, Nixon, and 'Public Time'." Western Journal of Communication 55 (1991): 215-233.
Dorsey, Leroy G. "The Myth of War and Peace in Presidential Discourse: John F. Kennedy's 'New Frontier' Myth and the Peace Corps." Southern Communication Journal 62 (1996): 42-55.
Golden, James L. "John F. Kennedy and the 'Ghosts'." Quarterly Journal of Speech 52 (1966): 348-357.
Goldzwig, Steven R., and George N. Dionisopoulos. "In a Perilous Hour": The Public Address of John F. Kennedy. Great American Orators 22. Westport: Greenwood Publishing, 1994.
---. "John F. Kennedy's Civil Rights Discourse: The Evolution from 'Principled Bystander' to Public Advocate." Communication Monographs 56 (1989): 179-198.
---. "Legitimating Liberal Credentials for the Presidency: John F. Kennedy and the Strategy of Peace." Southern Communication Journal 60 (1995) : 312-331.
Griffin, Leland M. "When Dreams Collide: Rhetorical Trajectories in the Assassination of President Kennedy." Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (1984): 111-131.
Harding, H. F. "John F. Kennedy: Campaigner." Quarterly Journal of Speech 46 (1960): 362-364.
Jordan, John W. “Kennedy’s Romantic Moon and Its Rhetorical Legacy for Space Exploration.” Rhetoric and Public Affairs 6 (2003): 209-232.
Kennedy, Edward B. "Another Look at Kennedy's Inaugural Address." Communication Quarterly 13 (1965): 17-19.
Kerr, Harry P. "John F. Kennedy." Quarterly Journal of Speech 46 (1960): 241.
Murphy, John M. "Crafting the Kennedy Legacy." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 3 (2000): 577-601.
Stelzner, Hermann G. "Humphrey and Kennedy Court West Virginia, May 3, 1960." Southern Journal of Speech Communication 37 (1971): 21-33.
Wager, Gerald A. "J. F. K. and the Offshore Islands." Communication Quarterly 15 (1967): 27-29.
Warnick, Barbara. "Argument Schemes and Construction of Social Reality: John F. Kennedy's Address at the Houston Ministerial Association." Communication Quarterly 44 (1996) : 183-196.
Wolfarth, Donald. "John F. Kennedy in the Tradition of Inaugural Speeches." Quarterly Journal of Speech 47 (1961): 124-132.
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Lincoln, Abraham, 1861-1865 See Sources on Lincoln in The Rhetorical Lincoln pages.
Nixon, Richard M., 1969-1974
Alexander, Frederick G. "Richard M. Nixon and Nelson A. Rockefeller." Quarterly Journal of Speech 47 (1960): 245.
Asen, Robert M. "Nixon's Welfare Reform: Enacting Historical Contradictions of Poverty Discourses." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 4 (2001): 261-279.
Baudhuin, E. Scott. "From Campaign to Watergate: Nixon's Communication Image." Western Journal of Communication 38 (1974): 182-189.
Benoit, William L. "Richard M. Nixon's Rhetorical Strategies in His Public Statements on Watergate." Southern Journal of Speech Communication 47 (1982): 192-211.
Benoit, William L., & W. T. Wells. "An analysis of three Image Restoration Discourses on Whitewater." Journal of Public Advocacy 3 (1998): 21-37.
Benson, Thomas W. "To Lend a Hand": Gerald R. Ford, Watergate, and the White House Speechwriters. Rhetoric and Public Affairs 1 (1998): 201-225.
Black, Edwin. "The invention of Nixon." Beyond the Rhetorical Presidency. Ed. Martin J. Medhurst. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1996. 104-121.
Bochin, Hal W. Richard Nixon: Rhetorical Strategist. Great Orators. New York: Greenwood, 1990.
Bostdorff, Denise M. "The Evolution of a Diplomatic Surprise: Richard M. Nixon's Rhetoric on China, 1952-July 15, 1971." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 5 (2002): 31-56.
Brummett, Barry. "Presidential Substance: The Address of August 15,1973." Western Journal of Communication 48 (1975): 249-259.
Carpenter, Ronald A., and Robert V. Seltzer. "Nixon, Patton, and the Silent Majority Sentiment about the Viet Nam War: The Cinematographic Bases of a Rhetorical Stance." Central States Speech Journal 25 (1974): 105-110.
Chapel, William Gage. "Speechwriting in the Nixon Administration." Journal of Communication 26 (1976): 65-72.
Condit, Celeste M. "Nixon's "Fund": Time as Ideological Resource in the "Checkers" Speech." Texts in Context: Critical Dialogues on Significant Episodes in American Political Rhetoric. Ed. Michael C. Leff and Fred J. Kauffeld. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press, 1989. 219-242.
Farrell, Thomas B. "The Carnival as Confessional: Re-Reading the Figurative Dimension in Nixon's "Checkers" Speech." Texts in Context: Critical Dialogues on Significant Episodes in American Political Rhetoric. Ed. Michael C. Leff and Fred J. Kauffeld. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press, 1989. 243-252.
Freeman, Douglas N. "Freedom of Speech Within the Nixon Administration." Communication Quarterly 24 (1976): 3-10.
Gibson, James W., and Patricia K. Felkins. "A Nixon Lexicon." Western Journal of Communication 38 (1974): 190-198.
Gonchar, Ruth M., and Dan F. Hahn. "The Rhetorical Predictability of Richard M. Nixon." Communication Quarterly 19 (1971): 3-13.
Gouran, Dennis S. "The Watergate Cover-Up: Its Dynamics and Its Implications." Communication Monographs 42 (1976): 176-186.
Gregg, Richard B., and Gerald A. Hauser. "Richard Nixon's April 30,1970 Address on Cambodia: The "Ceremony" of Confrontation." Communication Monographs 40 (1973): 167-181.
Harrell, Jackson, B. L. Ware, and Wil A. Linkugel. "Failure of Apology in American Politics: Nixon on Watergate." Communication Monographs 42 (1975): 245-261.
Harris, Barbara Ann. "The Inaugural of Richard Milhous Nixon: A Reply to Robert L. Scott." Western Journal of Communication 34 (1970): 231-234.
Hart, Roderick P. "Absolutism and Situation: Prolegomena to a Rhetorical Biography of Richard M. Nixon." Communication Monographs 43 (1976): 204-228.
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