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Sources in Visual Rhetoric

Articles in Communication Journals
Barbatsis, Gretchen S. "'Look, and I will show you something you will want to see': Pictorial Engagement in Negative Political Campaign Commercials." Argumentation and Advocacy 33 (1996): 69-80.
Best, Janice. "The Chronotope and the Generation of Meaning in Novels and Paintings." Criticism 36 (1994): 291- .
Birdsell, David S., and Leo Groarke. "Toward a Theory of Visual Argument." Argumentation and Advocacy 33 (1996): 1-10.
Blair, J. Anthony. "The Possibility and Actuality of Visual Arguments." Argumentation and Advocacy 33 (1996): 23-39.
Bostdorff, Denise M. "Making Light of James Watt: A Burkean Approach to the Form and Attitude of Political Cartoons. Quarterly Journal of Speech 73 (1987): 43-59.
Brueggeman, Brenda Jo. "The Coming Out of Deaf Culture and American Sign Language: An Exploration into Visual Rhetoric and Literacy." Rhetoric Review 13 (1995): 409-420.
Edwards, Janis L., and Carol K. Winkler. "Representative Form and the Visual Ideograph: The Iwo Jima Image in Editorial Cartoons." Quarterly Journal of Speech 83 (1997): 289-310.
Erickson, Keith V. "Presidential Rhetoric's Visual Turn: Performance Fragments and the Politics of Illusionism." Communication Monographs 67 (2000): 138-157.
Finnegan, Cara A. "The Naturalistic Enthymeme and Visual Argument: Photographic Representation in the 'Skull Controversy'." Argumentation and Advocacy 37 (2001): 133-.
Fleming, David. "Can Pictures Be Arguments?" Argumentation and Advocacy 33 (1996): 11-22.
Foss, Sonia. "A Rhetorical Schema for the Evaluation of Visual Imagery." Communication Studies 45 (1994):
Groarke, Leo. "Logic, Art and Argument." Informal Logic 18 (1996): 105-129.
Groupe µ Traite du signe visuel: pour une rhetorique de l'image. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1992.
Hariman, Robert, and John Louis Lucaites. "Performing Civic Identity: The Iconic Photograph of the Flag Raising on Iwo Jima." Quarterly Journal of Speech 88 (2002): 363-392.
Hattenhauer, Darryl. "The Rhetoric of Architecture: A Semiotic Approach." Communication Quarterly 32 (1984): 71-77.
Holzer, Howard. Lincoln Seen and Heard. Lawrence: UP of Kansas, 2000.
Kaplan, Stuart Jay. "Visual Metaphors in the Representation of Communication Technology." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 7 (1990): 37-47.
Katriel, Tamar. "Rhetoric in Flames: Fire Inscriptions in Israeli Youth Movement Ceremonials." Quarterly Journal of Speech 73 (1987): 444-459.
Medhurst, Martin J., and Michael A. DeSousa. "Political Cartoons as Rhetorical Form: A Taxonomy of Graphic Discourse." Communication Monographs 48 (1981): 197-236.
Lancioni, Judith. "The Rhetoric of the Frame: Revisioning Archival Photographs in The Civil War." Western Journal of Communication 60 (1996): 397-414.
LaWare, Margaret R. "Encountering Visions of Aztlan: Arguments for Ethnic Pride, Community Activisim and Cultural Revitalization in Chicano Murals." Argumentation & Advocacy 34 (1998): 140-153.
Lucaites, John Louis. "Visualizing "The People": Individualism vs. Collectivism in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men." Quarterly Journal of Speech 83 (1997): 269-288.
Moriarty, Sandra E. "Abduction: A Theory of Visual Interpretation." Communication Theory 6 (1996): 167-187.
Olson, Lester C. "Benjamin Franklin's Commemorative Medal, Libertas Americana: A Study in Rhetorical Iconology." Quarterly Journal of Speech 76 (1990): 23-45.
---. "Benjamin Franklin's Pictorial Representations of the British Colonies in America: A Study in Rhetorical Iconology." Quarterly Journal of Speech 73 (1987): 18-42.
Shelley, Cameron. "Rhetorical and Demonstrative Modes of Visual Argument: Looking at Images of Human Evolution." Argumentation and Advocacy 33 (1996): 53-68.
Stormer, Nathan . "Embodying Normal Miracles." Quarterly Journal of Speech 83 (1997): 172-191
Twigg, Reginald. "The Performative Dimension of Surveillance: Jacob Riis' How the Other Half Lives." Text and Performance Quarterly 12 (1992): 305-328.
Vivian, Bradford. "The Veil and the Visible." Western Journal of Communication 63 (1999): 115-139.
Recommended Art Theory, History of Rhetoric and Art
Arnheim, Randolf. The Power of the Center. Los Angeles: U of California P, 1988.
Barthes, Roland. Image, Music, Text. London: Fontana, 1977.
Baxandall, Michael. Giotto and the Orators: Humanist Observers of Painting in Italy and the Discovery of Pictorial Composition, 1350-1450. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1971.
Benjanmin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." Illuminations. New York: Schocken, 1969. 217-252.
Berkhofer, Robert F. The White Man's Indian: Images of the American Indian from Columbusto the Present. New York: Knopf, 1978.
Dabydeen, David. Hogarth's Blacks: Images of Blacks in Eighteenth Century Art. Manchester: U of Manchester P, 1987.
Gombrich, E. H. Art and Illusion. Washington: Trustees of the National Gallery of Art, 1960.
---. The Image and the Eye. Ithaca: Cornell UP / Phaidon, 1982.
Langer, Suzanne K. Feeling and Form. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953.
Internet Resources
Blakesley, David, ed. Visual Rhetoric. Purdue University. 12 Jul 2002. http://www.sla.purdue.edu/people/engl/dblakesley/visual/.