After the problem is solved and an optimal solution is obtained, a
set of analysis is often conducted to determine the sensitivity of the
optimal solution to changes in problem data, most commonly the objective
function coefficients of variables and the right hand sides
of constraints. These analyses are generally conducted by changing one dataelement
at a time holding all other data constant.
- Clearly understand the difference between a problem datum and a
problem variable. In sensitivity, we are allowing one of the problem
data to vary, to see what happens to the optimality of the current
solution (a set of values assigned to decision variables).
- Example
Max 5000E + 4000F
st E + F >= 5
E - 3F <= 0
20E + 10F <= 160
10E + 15F <= 150
30E + 10F >= 135
[Objective Function] [Right
Hand Sides] Optimality of point C is preserved for certain
changes in the objective function coefficients of the variables (like
in the case of the red contour) while the optimality shifts to point B,
for a more drastic change in the objective function (as in the case of
the green contour).
The critical question of sensitivity analysis is how drastically
a coefficient (data) has to change, before the current solution is no
longer optimal --or before the optimal point shifts to another point.
Sensitivity of the optimal solution (point C) to changes in the
coefficient of F
- Increases in the coefficient of F.
- As F becomes more profitable every contour will become
flatter since for any given level of total profit we will now need
fewer Fs than before. If the contours do not become as flat as the line
segment BC, point C will continue being optimal. When, however ,the
contour is as flat as line BC, there will be two optimal corners --
points C and B. Any further increase in F's coefficient will make the
contour too flat to be tangent at C making point B the unique optimal.
- We therefore want to calculate the increase in F's
coefficient which makes points C and B optimal at the same time (or
equivalently, it makes the slopes of the contours equal to the slope of
line BC).
- Using the first argument (namely at the allowable maximum of
F's coefficient points B and C are alternative optima) we can calculate
this maximum allowable value. Let ? stand for the coefficient of F.
OV at point C (E=4.5, F=7) equals OV at B (E=1.5, F=9) or
5000*4.5 + ? * 7 = 5000*1.5 + ?*9
solving for "? " we find $7500. - So, as long as the coefficient of
F does not increase beyond $7500 point C will remain optimal; at $7500,
both point C and point B will be optimal; and for values more than
$7500, point B will be the unique optimal.
- We can reach the same conclusion by searching for the
coefficient of F that will make the contours as flat as the line
segment BC. We can calculate the slope of a linear line as minus
the coefficient of the first variable (X axis)/the coefficient of the
second (Y axis). Thus, we want
slope of a contour = slope of BC
-5000/? = -10/15
solving for ? we obtain $7500 as before. - Notice that when F
becomes sufficiently profitable the solution shifts counter-clock wise
to take advantage of the more favorable price for F. At the new optimum
more F's are made (9 now) at the expense of E's (only 1.5 now).
- Decreases in the coefficient of F.
- As F becomes less profitable, the contours will become
steeper. If they become steep enough, the optimal solution will move in
the clock wise direction-- to point D (E= 6.86, F= 2.29). Hence:
5000*6.86 + ?*2.29 = 5000*4.5+?*7
Solving for ? we find $2,500. Also, from the equality of the slopes of
the contours and line CD:
-?/5000 = - 10/20
we find as before the critical value to be $2500. - We can conclude
that as long as the coefficient of F stays within the interval from
$2500 to $7500, the current optimal values 4.5 for E and 7 for F (point
C) will remain optimal. Notice however, that although the solution is
not changing, the objective function value is changing . In
fact, within this range, the objective function value changes at a rate
equal to the optimal value of the variable whose coefficient is
varying. In the example this is variable F and its optimal value is
7. Thus every dollar increase in the coefficient of F will produce a $7
increase in the OV as we are making and selling 7 units of F.
Sensitivity of the Optimal Solution to Changes in the Right Hand
Sides of Constraints
When the right hand side of a constraint changes, the
constraint boundary will move parallel to itself. This will generally
change the feasible region having no effect on the slopes of the
objective function contours.
When the RHS of a "<=" type constraint increases ,
the constraint moves in a direction making the feasible region larger.
This is called loosening the constraint. Decreases in the RHS
of a "<=" constraints will tighten the constraint. For a
">=" type constraint the tightening and loosening directions are
In the graph if the RHS of 30E + 10F >=135 ( BA) increases,
the constraint moves in the North-East direction shrinking the feasible
region, while if the RHS of 20E + 10F <= 160 (CD) increases, the
feasible region will grow.
- Changing the RHS of an Inactive Constraint .
Consider 30E + 10F >= 135. This is an inactive constraint with a
surplus of 70 units at the point of optimality. If the RHS, decreases line
BA moves away from point C, preserving its optimality; the OV stays the
same; only the surplus of the constraint increases by an amount equal to
the decrease in the RHS. - If the RHS increases the constraint moves
towards point C. As long as point C remains on the feasible side of the
constraint, its optimality is unaffected; OV stays the same; only the
amount of surplus decreases. When the constraint shifts sufficiently
(by the amount of the surplus) to pass through point C the constraint
becomes active. Any further decrease forces the optimal point, C
to slide down toward point D along line CD.
- Thus we can conclude that RHS of an inactive constraint can
change without any bound in the loosening direction, and can change by
the amount of the slack/surplus in the tightening direction. In this
example the RHS can vary from minus infinity to 205 without altering
the optimality of point C.
- Active Constraint
- Thus as the RHS of the constraint changes from 240 to 102.95,
point C (the intersection of CD and BC) stays optimal; the values of
the variables change; the OV changes (increases as the constraint
becomes looser, decreases if as it becomes tighter). This rate at which
the OV changes is referred to as the shadow price of the
- The shadow price can be obtained by calculating the OV at the
original optimum point C (4.5, 7). This is is $50,500. And the OV at
point D (6.86, 2.29) -- the optimum solution for a rhs of 102.5.
The OV at point D is $43,460. Thus when the rhs goes down by 150-102.5
= 47.5 units, the OV goes down by $50,500- $43,460 = $7040. The per
unit change in the OV then is $7,040 / 47.5 = $148.21 (the shadow
price). Each unit of decrease in the rhs of the constraint causes a
$148.21 decrease in the OV.
Main Sensitivity Principles