
Fortran and Mathematica Programs and Data Files Related to Various Publications

Approximations to the Stress-Energy Tensor for Scalar Fields in Static Black Hole Spacetimes

These are in the form of input files for Mathematica.  We ask only that, if you use these files, you reference the appropriate paper.  The appropriate reference is given as a comment in each of the files.

Tab analytic - The analytic approximation which can be used for massless and small mass scalar fields in static spherically symmetric spacetimes.

Tab DS -  The DeWitt-Schwinger approximation for massive scalar fields in static spherically symmetric spacetimes.

Mathematic Programs Written by Jason Bates to Compute the Noise Kernel

Schwarzschild - The programs are used for the computations of the noise kernel in Schwarzschild spacetime and Hot Flat Space for the conformally invariant scalar field in a thermal state at an arbitrary temperature given in the paper Noise kernel for a quantum field in Schwarzschild spacetime under the Gaussian Approximation

de Sitter - The programs are used for the exact computations of the noise kernel in Flat space, and various conformally flat spacetimes including de Sitter space in terms of spatially flat Robertson-Walker coordinates when the field is in the conformal vacuum. Also included is the computation in de Sitter space in the usual static coordinates when the field is in the Bunch-Davies state. These are described in the paper Noise kernel near the horizon of de Sitter space

Some of the work referenced on this page was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant numbersi PHY-1308325, PHY-0801368, PHY- 0070981, PHY-9800971, and PHY-9512686.  Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).