Fortran and Other Programs and Data Files Related to Various Publications

Programs for plots generated by Richard Dudley for "Correlation patterns from massive phonons in 1 + 1 dimensional acoustic black holes: A toy model", Physical Review D98, 124011 (2018).

Instructions to reproduce the plots

Files used to reproduce the plots

Programs for plots generated by Richard Dudley for "Particle production in the interiors of acoustic black holes", Physical Review D100, 105021 (2019)

Programs for plots generated by Richard Dudley for "Correlations between a Hawking particle and its partner in a 1+1D Bose-Einstein condensate analog black hole ", Physical Review D102, 105005 (2020).

Instructions to reproduce the plots

Files used to reproduce the plots

Some of the work referenced on this page was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant numbersi PHY-1505875, PHY-1308325, PHY-0856050, PHY-0556292, PHY-0070981, PHY-9800971, PHY-9512686, PHY-0601550, and PHY-0801368.  Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).