Each folder contains several different files that are necessary to run the code. The naming conventions for file is order(initial adiabatic state order)m(method number matching the section 3 in paper)I(iteration number)t(initial time default negative time).f 1. File extension with *.f: main part of Fortran code to run the code The comments to explain the code can be found in order0m4i0t4.f and order0m4i1t4.f. The general structure for all the code is similar so I only commented on the method 4. 2. Modes0m4i0t4.dat: Data file used to set up the initial condition and accuracy for the code 3. Afitting0m4i1t4.m: Mathematica file used to do polynomial fitting for scale factors and derivatives. Only necessary for iteration higher than 0. It outputs the data files(coefficients of polynomial function) to be used for fortran code. The structure of the modes0m4i0t4.dat is Definition(suggested default value): nk(number of modes:3500) uin(initial time:-4) delu(output time step size 1.0d-4) nu(number to time steps:40000) tk(unecessary:used to check the correctness of the code when developing it:5000) reldiff1(relative difference to truncate the energy density rho:1.0d-12) reldiff2(relative difference to truncate the energy density rho:1.0d-12) m(initial mass of the scalar field: 1.d0) lambda(The cosmological constant: 0.5d0) EPS(accuracy goal: 1.0d-13) H1(step size tried initially inside ODE solver:1.0d-6) HMIN(minimal time step size inside ODE solver to get the accuracy: 1.0d-14)