Parallel Algorithms

PRAM Algorithms

8/26 Course overview and PRAM model
Read Section 27.1 of Intro to Algorithms (CLRS)
8/28 Matrix multiplication
Read Section 27.2 of Intro to Algorithms (CLRS)

9/2 Mergesort
Read Section 27.3 of Intro to Algorithms (CLRS)
9/4 Dynamic programming
Watch DP1:LCS and DP2:Knapsack videos from Intro to Graduate Algorithms (Vigoda)

Data Locality

9/9 Cache models and matrix multiplication
Read Cache-Aware Analysis of Algorithms
and watch Ideal Cache Model (Vuduc) and Cache-Oblivious Matrix Multiply (Vuduc)

Assignment 1 due
9/11 Cache-oblivious dynamic programming
Read Sections 1-2 of Cache-Oblivious Dynamic Programming for Bioinformatics


9/16 Introduction to OpenMP
Review slides from OpenMP Basics (Kale)
9/18 DEAC cluster
Peruse the DEAC User Wiki
9/23 OpenMP in-class programming exercise
9/25 OpenMP in-class programming exercise
Assignment 2 due


9/30 LPRAM model and matrix multiplication
Read Sections 1-2 of Communication Complexity of PRAMs
10/2 Communication lower bounds for matrix multiplication
Read Tight Memory-Independent Parallel Matrix Multiplication Communication Lower Bounds


10/7 BSP model and algorithms
Read Sections 1-3 of Scalable Computing
10/9 BSP sorting
Assignment 3 due

10/14 Catch-up day
10/16 In-class midterm

MPI Model

10/21 SUMMA
Read SUMMA: scalable universal matrix multiplication algorithm
10/23 MPI collectives
Read Collective communication: theory, practice, and experience

MPI Programming

10/28 Introduction to MPI programming
10/30 Intro to MPI programming (continued)
Project proposals due

11/4 MPI in-class programming exercise
11/6 MPI in-class programming exercise

Applications (TBD)

11/11 TBD
11/13 TBD
Assignment 4 due

11/18 TBD
11/20 TBD

11/25 TBD
11/27 TBD

12/2 TBD
12/4 TBD

12/14 Final Exam (2pm)