//This gives some basic definitions. R3:=IntegerRing(3); GL3:=GeneralLinearGroup(2,R3); R9:=IntegerRing(9); GL9:=GeneralLinearGroup(2,R9); R27:=IntegerRing(27); GL27:=GeneralLinearGroup(2,R27); Borel9:=sub; //This is the Borel subgroup in GL9. Borel27:=sub; //This is the Borel subgroup in GL27. //Proof of part (3): H9:=sub; // This defines the subgroup Index3Sub:=Subgroups(H9: IndexEqual:=3); // 5 conjugacy classes of subgroups goodsubs := <>; for j in [1..#Index3Sub] do curK := Index3Sub[j]`subgroup; ClassK:=Class(GL9,curK); L := SetToIndexedSet(ClassK); for i in [1..#L] do curH := L[i]; if #(curH meet Borel9) eq #curH then Append(~goodsubs,curH); end if; end for; end for; //This returns 3 subgroups. For each subgroup H, there exists a basis of E_0[9] such that over a cubic field, the image of the mod 9 Galois representation is H. Note that the generators show that there exists a cubic field such that E attains a 9 isogeny and an independent 3 isogeny (since the matrices are upper triangular and diagonal mod 3). //Proof of part (4): H27:=sub; //This defines the subgroup Index3Sub:=Subgroups(H27: IndexEqual:=3); // 5 conjugacy classes of subgroups goodsubs := <>; for j in [1..#Index3Sub] do curK := Index3Sub[j]`subgroup; ClassK:=Class(GL27,curK); L := SetToIndexedSet(ClassK); for i in [1..#L] do curH := L[i]; if #(curH meet Borel27) eq #curH then Append(~goodsubs,curH); end if; end for; end for; //This returns 3 subgroups. For each subgroup H, there exists a basis of E_0[27] such that over a cubic field, the image of the mod 27 Galois representation is H. Note that a look at the generators shows that there exists a cubic field such that E attains a 27 isogeny and an independent 3 isogeny. //Proof of part (7): H9:=sub; // This defines the subgroup Index3Sub:=Subgroups(H9: IndexEqual:=3); goodsubs := <>; for j in [1..#Index3Sub] do curK := Index3Sub[j]`subgroup; ClassK:=Class(GL9,curK); L := SetToIndexedSet(ClassK); for i in [1..#L] do curH := L[i]; if #(curH meet Borel9) eq #curH then Append(~goodsubs,curH); end if; end for; end for; //This returns 3 subgroups. For each subgroup H, there exists a basis of E_0[9] such that over a cubic field, the image of the mod 9 Galois representation is H. Note that the generators show that there exists a cubic field such that E attains a 9 isogeny and an independent 3 isogeny. Moreover, the image of the 9-isogeny character lands in {1, -1}, which means that a twist of E_0 over this field has a rational point of order 9. //Proof of part (8): H9:=sub; // This defines the subgroup Index3Sub:=Subgroups(H9: IndexEqual:=3); goodsubs := <>; for j in [1..#Index3Sub] do curK := Index3Sub[j]`subgroup; ClassK:=Class(GL9,curK); L := SetToIndexedSet(ClassK); for i in [1..#L] do curH := L[i]; if #(curH meet Borel9) eq #curH then Append(~goodsubs,curH); end if; end for; end for; //This returns 3 subgroups. For each subgroup H, there exists a basis of E_0[9] such that over a cubic field, the image of the mod 9 Galois representation is H. Note that the generators show that there exists a cubic field such that E attains a 9 isogeny and an independent 3 isogeny.