Table of Contents
The Future of Universitiesand theUniversity of the Future
Personal Objective This MorningTo Get Each of You to Change Your Personal Behavior this Afternoon & Next Week (maybe even longer) because of an insight that you have reached for yourself as a consequence of spending the next 2 hours here. [Not Elegant: Only Important]
History Lesson
If Not In The University, Where Will Society...
Working Premise
PPT Slide
New “Student” Mentality
New Faculty Roles
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
Lessons Learned from Business and .com
Lessons Learned from Education and .edu
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Beliefs of 91/93 Vignette AuthorsPedagogy and Philosophy
THE WAKE FOREST PLANF96: IBM 365XD, 16RAM, 100Mhz, 810MB, CD-ROM, 14.4 modemF97: IBM 380D, 32 RAM, 130Mhz, 1.35GB, CD-ROM, 33.6 modemF98: IBM 380XD, 64 RAM, 233 Mhz, 4.1GB, CD-ROM, 56 modemF99: IBM 390, 128 RAM, 333 Mhz, 6GB, CD-ROM, 56 modem
Computers Enhance My Teaching/Learning Via--
Computers allow people----
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
The New University
The New Professoriate
The New Curriculum
Act Now (Technology)
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PPT Slide
PPT Slide
David G. BrownWake Forest UniversityWinston-Salem, N.C. 27109336-758-4878email: brown@wfu.eduhttp// 336-758-4875
Author: Wake Forest University
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