[OPE-L:3683] Re: Re: textual evidence [or what are you reading?]

From: Paul Zarembka (zarembka@acsu.buffalo.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 16 2000 - 12:46:39 EDT

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"Fred B. Moseley" <fmoseley@mtholyoke.edu> said, on 08/16/00:

>In this chapter, Marx did indeed define constant capital as the "money
>laid out for means of production." (p. 317).

p. 317 has no such phrase in my Fowkes edition and, in fact, the word
"money" does not even appear on that page anywhere (I checked twice -- am
I blind?).

The page rather says "I call [that part of capital which is turned into
means of production] the constant part of capital, or more briefly,
constant capital."

See provide the exact edition of Marx you are using, Fred, if not the
Vintage/Random House 1977.

Thanks, Paul

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