[OPE-L:4579] Paul Bullock

From: Jerry Levy (jerry_levy@usa.net)
Date: Mon Nov 27 2000 - 10:56:53 EST

Paul Bullock has joined OPE-L. 

Many of you might remember his name from his 1970's articles 
when he "was very young". In the following brief introduction, 
he brings us up-to-date on his activities since:


Pleased to meet you.. so you want an introduction of some sort.  Well I
teach at Universities at all levels,  quite a range of things since I am not
full time employed...(mostly Finance and Economics, + Strategic management)
this the result  not easily putting up with  nonsense, and figuring out that
the 'portfolio'  (ie journeyman) work style has 

When I was very young, in the 70's, I contributed 2 articles to the then
newish Bulletin of the Conference of Socialist Economists. ... (later
Capital and Class). I  then wrote for ' Revolutionary Communist ',  the
then Theoretical Journal of the Revolutionary Communist Group here in
Britain... instead of submitting my PhD...... also eg  an article for  a
Japanese left journal on Racism in Britain.

In the 80's I didn't do much proper writing at all, only bourgeoise distance
learning materials and other stuff for a little  money, although  I did also
edit Makoto Itoh's  books on Capitalism , and on Japan at that time.   Now I
contribute articles, from time to time, to 'Fight racism! Fight Imperialism'
the two monthly newspaper of the RCG, which stubbornly exists ( for which
thanks and congratulations) even after the rest of the small 'British'
'left' including the CP, has nearly all virtually and understandably
disappeared ..  see the website  http://www.rcgfrfi.easynet.co.uk/   for my
general mindset.

Well I hope that's enough... I know a number of  the members of  ope-l
personally,  .... maybe we'll get to meet the others sometime!


Paul's e-mail address is <paulbullock@ebms-ltd.in2home.co.uk>

So, we have yet another Paul on the list! What shall we call him? We already
have a Paul B (i.e. Paul Burkett). 

Paul: welcome aboard!

In solidarity, Jerry

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