[OPE-L:5354] Re: the bursting bubble and the U.S. working class

From: charlie (charles1848@value.net)
Date: Tue Apr 17 2001 - 16:18:53 EDT

An important circumstance of the current downturn is its relation
to a long-term trend: the situation of the average working-class
household is essentially worse than it was thirty years ago. Real
hourly wages have barely risen, hours worked by members of
households have increased, and economic inequality is much
sharper. This relentless trend over so many decades is something

The decline has appeared through the ups and downs of the
accumulation cycle. We recall the jobless recovery of the early
1990s. It is true that in the last three years or so, the working
class did make some wage gains; now the downturn has already
begun to reverse them.

The current crisis occurs within this new historical setting. Our
response requires attention to the fact that while capitalism
still develops production, it now does so in a way that lifts up
no more than 20% or so of the population, unlike the more broadly
based waves of accumulation prior to 1970.

Charles Andrews
Web site for my book is at http://www.LaborRepublic.org

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