[OPE-L:6345] Re: Re: Re: recent science and society and Fred M's interpretation (fwd)

From: glevy@pratt.edu
Date: Thu Jan 17 2002 - 11:05:42 EST

Re Ale's [6344]:

> do you *really* believe that capitalism can be "systematically" 
> understood building on general equilibrium theory and marginalism?

No, I don't. My point was that this is more their 'project' rather
than interpreting Marx.

> General equilibrium
> is, as its founding father himself proclaimed, a Platonic creature. > How can  be this helpful to give us some light on the real, 
> historical society we live in?

If GET was all that AM was about, I'd agree with you. But, I wouldn't by any means dismiss attempts to comprehend contemporary economic relations using game-theoretic strategic models, would you? I would particularly like to hear more about that perspective when an advocate of it (Gil) claims that it his perspective is rooted in historical materialism.

> >> the Copernican world of John Roemer.
> >As we saw last year, it is other Marxists -- some who are self-
> proclaimed advocates of  'Marx's Marxism'  -- who claim the title 
> of being Copernicans.
> I think all these "adjectives" cannot contribute to the dialogue.

Which 'adjectives' are you objecting to?  

> However,  I do remember Gil offering us his "Copernican" proposals > in a no so distant past.

I don't remember that. Gil: did you ever claim to be a Copernican or 
suggest that your perspectives are Copernican?

In solidarity, Jerry

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