[OPE-L:6656] Re: "Global Economic Meltdown"side

From: Rakesh Bhandari (rakeshb@stanford.edu)
Date: Mon Mar 04 2002 - 17:13:37 EST

>Hans G. Ehrbar   http://www.econ.utah.edu/ehrbar   ehrbar@econ.utah.edu
>Economics Department, University of Utah     (801) 581 7797 (my office)
>1645 Campus Center Dr., Rm 308               (801) 581 7481 (econ office)
>Salt Lake City    UT 84112-9300              (801) 585 5649 (FAX)

I found Hans' pieces at his website on the labor theory of value and 
dialectical critical realism to be very stimulating indeed.


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