[OPE-L:8405] Re: Re: If you...

From: Nicola Taylor (19518173@student.murdoch.edu.au)
Date: Wed Jan 29 2003 - 05:03:02 EST

And a couple of verses for Australia, in the philosophical spirit:

If you're ozzies an' you know it clap your hands
Our ships have left our shores for other lands
The economy ain't bad, but our US mate is sad
So let's commiserate and bomb Iraq

If you're ozzies an' you know it celebrate
We'll join a war on terror and on hate
The causes we don't know, but it seems a jolly show
So let's affiliate and bomb Iraq

> Re [8400]:
> An additional verse dedicated to the Turkish government:
> If you are Turkey and you know it, bomb Iraq. 
> Millions of  workers may oppose,
> but billions of dollars in 'aid' are counterpoised.
> If your economy is going down the hose, bomb Iraq.
> Solidarity, Jerry

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