[OPE-L:8576] Fwd: JSPE Call for Papers

From: Akira MATSUMOTO (amatsu@ll.ehime-u.ac.jp)
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 19:14:01 EST

>2003 JSPE Annual conference: Political Economy Now - Marxist Reappraisal
>Musashi University, Tokyo, 18-19 October 2003
>Call for Papers
>The 51st JSPE annual conference will be held on October 18-19, 2003 at Musashi University, Tokyo. JSPE invites proposals for papers in the following three categories.
>Plenary Session: Political Economy Now - Marxist Reappraisal
>JSPE plenary sessions focused on the analysis of the present state of capitalist economy for the last five years. This year we focus on the theoretical framework of Political Economy. All proposals will be given serious consideration, but preference will be given to proposals that:      
>1. Focus on the reappraisal of the Marxist political economy including mathematical formalization;
>2. Focus on critical reappraisal of the heterodox political economies such as Post Keynesian economics, the regulation approach, institution and evolutionary economics;
>3. Develop theoretically a socialist system of economic management after the collapse of the USSR and marketization of China.
>4. Develop theoretically an alternative economic system that could avoid the excess of market capitalism from the point of views of ecology, feminism, NPO, NGO etc.
>Special Session: America's global strategy and globalization
> We welcome proposals that elucidate the nature of America's global strategy from the point of view of Political Economy. We think it is the most argent topic on the brink of a United States-led war against Iraq not authorized by the United Nations.
>General Sessions
>All proposals reflecting the tradition and analytical perspective of the JSPE are welcomed.
>Submission Procedure and the Deadline
>Proposals should reach the organizing committee by 31st March 2003 at the latest. Notification of approval will be by 1st May.
>When submitting your proposal, please include:
>1. The title of proposed paper and the category of the session;
>2. The name(s) of the author(s) and affiliation;
>3. Email and mailing address;
>4. An abstract (up to 200 words);
>Please send your submission to:
>Nobuharu Yokokawa
>Organizing Committee
>Email address: pe51@musashi.jp
>Remember email submission is preferred. Postal address details are given below.
>Attendants will pay their own transportation, accommodation and other personal expenses.
>Mailing address
>Musashi University
>Toyotama-kami 1-26-1
>Nerima-ku, Tokyo 176-8534, Japan
>Email: pe51@musashi.jp
>Tel: +81-3-5984-3764
>Fax: +81-3-3991-1198
>Organizing Committee
>Prof. Kazuo Shibagaki
>Prof. Nobuharu Yokokawa
>Prof. Tetsuji Kawamura
>Prof. Atsushi Shimizu
>Prof. Shin Sugimoto
>Please Forward Widely.


Professor on Money and Banking
Department of Comprehensive Policy Making
Faculty of Law & Letters, EHIME University

Matsuyama, Ehime
790-8577,  Japan
E-mail: amatsu@ll.ehime-u.ac.jp

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