[Fwd: (OPE-L) ERC Conference in Economics: Call for Papers]

From: OPE-L Administrator (ope-admin@ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu)
Date: Wed May 14 2003 - 03:57:27 EDT

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: (OPE-L) ERC Conference in Economics: Call for Papers
From: "gerald_a_levy" <gerald_a_levy@msn.com>
Date: Wed, May 14, 2003 3:55 am
To: "OPE-L Administrator" <ope-admin@RICARDO.ECN.WFU.EDU>

----- Original Message -----
From: Erdogan Bakir
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 2:21 AM
Subject: FW: ERC Conference in Economics: Call for Papers

Could you please forward this to OPE-L. We have had many
radicals/marxists attending this conference since the first year it was
organized. You can check out the web page of the conference to see who
has participated in the conference in the past. I am still in the
process of organizing the radical/marxist part of this year's
conference. I can for now tell you that Ellen Meiksins Wood will be
key-note speaker in the conference. If anyone on the list wants to
attend the conference, please let me know; I will do all I can to reduce
the cost of conference for you.   Comradely
September 6-9, 2003
Ankara, Turkey
  CONFERENCE WEB SITE:  www.erc.metu.edu.tr

                          GENERAL INFORMATION
 erc,Economic Research Center, is an independent research organization
at the Department of Economics, Middle East Technical University
(METU), Ankara, Turkey.
The METU Conference in Economics, organized by erc, aims to provide a
forum for the exchange of research results on the theory and practice of
                              PAPER TOPICS

The program will consist of keynote and invited lectures by leading
scholars and contributed papers that represent a broad spectrum of
applied and theoretical economics, econometrics, and related fields.

June 15, 2003 Abstracts must be received
June 30, 2003 Authors will be informed of acceptance of abstracts for
presentation  July 15, 2003 Pre-registration
July 15, 2003 Accepted papers must be received. Accepted papers will
only be included in the final programme if presenting authors have
registered by this date  SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS
Abstract should be limited to 200 words. We would appreciate receiving
your abstracts via e-mail to metuerc@metu.edu.tr. No enclosures or
attachments, please.  An application to present a paper should include:
i) the name and the address of the corresponding author, ii) a fax
number, and/or an e-mail address (if available), iii) the names and
affiliations of all authors, and iv) the title of the paper, with its
classification numbers according to the Journal of Economic Literature
(JEL) Classification System.

                            CBRT YOUNG ECONOMIST AWARD

An award (5000 USD) will be given by the Central Bank of Republic of
Turkey (CBRT)  to the best paper presented by young economists. Graduate
students and those who received their Ph.D. degree after January 1,
2000, can apply for inclusion in the award competition. Joint papers
with senior authors will not be considered. The deadline for full paper
submissions is July 15, 2003. Please mark clearly on your registration
form that your paper is being submitted for the CBRT Young Economist
The Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Maritime Trade and
Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) will give an award (10,000 USD) to
the best paper presented in the 7th International METU-ERC Conference in
Economics on the dynamics of the Turkish economy. The deadline for full
paper submissions is July 15, 2003. Please mark clearly on your
registration form that your paper is being submitted for the TOBB Award.
Please visit the conference web site for further information on the
"TOBB Research Award on the Turkish Economy".

Registration Fee
Participant: 150 USD
Participant (Student): 75 USD
Accompanying Person:  100 USD
Registration fee includes abstract book, Conference Papers CD-ROM,
lunches, cocktails, conference dinner, and refreshments during the
conference. Registration and Accommodation forms can be obtained from
erc or can be found on our web site. Accommodation for the participants
will be provided in hotels in Ankara and the University Youth Guest
Houses. Our travel agent, ASTRAL, is doing the necessary arrangements
for accommodation and tours that our participants might be interested.
For detailed information, you can contact ASTRAL at

Birlik Mah. 20.sok. 10/3 06550 Ankara Turkey
Tel: +90 - 312 - 496 2353
Fax: +90 - 312 - 496 2354

                      Please send abstracts and inquiries to the address

                                   Economic Research Center
                                 Middle East Technical University
                                      06531 Ankara  Turkey

                               Phone :  +90 312 210 3069, 210 2003
                                    Fax :    +90 312 210 1244
                               Web site: http://www.erc.metu.edu.tr/

If you wish to receive subsequent conference announcements please send
your name, address and e-mail  address to metuerc@metu.edu.tr.  For
continued information on the conference, please visit:

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Thu May 15 2003 - 00:00:01 EDT