(OPE-L) who is on the list?

From: OPE-L Administrator (ope-admin@ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu)
Date: Wed Jun 11 2003 - 08:50:33 EDT

A listing of current subscribers follows.

There is never a good reason to ask on-list whether a
particular person is subscribed because any subscriber
can find out at any time who is on the list -- and what
the email addresses of subscribers are -- by sending a
message to listserv@sus.csuchico.edu which reads (only):

In solidarity, Jerry

Mariko Adachi (Japan)
Paul S. Adler (US)
Michio Akama (Japan)
Samir Amin (Senegal)
Charles Andrews (US)
Chris Arthur (UK)
Alejandro Valle Baeza (Mexico)
Jairus Banaji (UK)
Riccardo Bellofiore (Italy)
Rakesh Bhandari (US)
Cyrus Bina (US)
Andrew Brown (UK)
Paul Bullock (UK)
Paul Burkett (US)
Antonio Callari (US)
Martha Campbell (US)
Reinaldo Carcanholo (Brazil)
Francisco Paolo Cipolla (Brazil)
Bill Cochrane (New Zealand)
Paul Cockshott (UK)
Allin Cottrell (US)
Stephen Cullenberg (US)
Suzanne de Brunhoff (France)
Maria de Lourdes Mollo (Brazil)
Dimitri Dimoulis (Brazil)
Zhiyong Dong (P.R. China)
Phil Dunn (UK)
Hans Ehrbar (US)
Anders Ekeland (Norway)
Michael Eldred (Germany)
Howard Engelskirchen (US)
John R. Ernst (US)
Claus Magno Germer (Brazil)
Diego Guerrero (Spain)
Michael Heinrich (Germany)
John Holloway (Mexico)
Ian Hunt (Australia)
Makoto Itoh (Japan)
Seongjin Jeong (S. Korea)
Nam-Hoon Kang (S. Korea)
Claudio Katz (Argentina)
Steve Keen (Australia)
David Kristjanson-Gural (US)
David Laibman (US)
Costas Lapavitsas (Greece)
Michael A. Lebowitz (Canada)
Chai-on Lee (S. Korea)
Jerry Levy (US)
Abelardo Flores Marina (Mexico)
Akira Matsumoto (Japan)
Stavros Mavroudeas (Greece)
Terrence Mc Donough (Ireland)
John Milios (Greece)
Ryu Dong-Min (S. Korea)
Simon Mohun (UK)
Gary Mongiovi (US)
Fred Moseley (US)
Fanis Papadatos (Greece)
Leda Maria Paulani (Brazil)
Michael Perelman (US)
Nelson Pinto (Brazil)
N.S. Ranganayakamma (India)
Geert Reuten (Netherlands)
Bruce Roberts (US)
Alfredo Saad Filho (UK)
Catherine Samary (France)
Ernesto Screpanti (Italy)
Anwar Shaikh (US)
Ajit Sinha (India)
Gil Skillman (US)
Murray Smith (Canada)
Tony Smith (US)
Nicola Taylor (Australia)
Tony Tinker (US)
Andrew Trigg (UK)
Persefoni Tsaliki (Greece)
Lefteris Tsoulfidis (Greece)
Brendan Tuohy (New Zealand)
Michael Williams (UK)
Ian Wright (US)
David Yaffe (UK)
Paul Zarembka (US)
Alan Zuege (Canada)
(* Total current: 83)

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