Re: (OPE-L) Re: Systematic Dialectics and the Presentation of Historical Detail in Volume I of _Capital_

From: Paul Cockshott (clyder@GN.APC.ORG)
Date: Wed Mar 31 2004 - 17:22:39 EST

The problem comes in trying to give an unabiguous measure of
technical composition, since it involves a relationship between
incomensurable quantities.

Andrew Brown wrote:
> Hi
> On 25 Mar 2004 at 22:04, Paul Cockshott wrote:
> > Andrew Brown wrote:
> > >
> > > The theory has the same core as it always did, viz. LTV, emphasis on
> > > levels of abstraction, importance of VCC/OCC/TCC distinctions,
> > > emphasis on need to incorporate concrete, empirical, historical and
> > > contingent material.
> >
> > Why do you consider VCC/OCC/TCC distinctions important.
> >
> > It has always struck me that only there is only one well defined
> > concept there, the rest is handwaving.
> they are pivotal for grasping the LTRPF and the transformation
> problem (both of which turn on difference or changes in 'the' 'CC').
> see Fine and saadi Filho's 'Marx's Capital', 4th ed, for example.
> interesting to note that the distinction only really comes into its own
> when thinking about disequilibrium.
> andy

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