Re: [OPE-L] MEGA of Marx's Vol. 2

From: Regina Roth (roth@BBAW.DE)
Date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 07:39:39 EST

Date sent:              Tue, 15 Feb 2005 13:08:41 -0500
Send reply to:          OPE-L <OPE-L@SUS.CSUCHICO.EDU>
From:                   Paul Zarembka <zarembka@BUFFALO.EDU>
Subject:                [OPE-L] MEGA of Marx's Vol. 2
To:                     OPE-L@SUS.CSUCHICO.EDU

> Does anyone know when the MEGA of Marx's Vol. 2 is to be published?


Vol. 2 of "Capital", published by Engels in 1885, will probably appear in 2007 (MEGA-
volume II/13). There is also a draft for this publication in 1885, a manuscript which
Engels dictated to his secretary Oscar Eisengarten. It contains the compilation which
Engels drew up from Marx's manuscripts. It will make up MEGA-volume II/12 and is
expected to appear at the end of 2005; this volume will also offer a list with differences
between the text prepared by Engels and Marx's manuscripts.

Marx's manuscripts for Book 2 of "Capital", dating from 1868 to 1870/71 and 1878 to
1881, will probably be published in 2006 (MEGA-volume II/11). MEGA-volume II/4.1
with Marx's draft for Book 2 from 1865 has already appeared in 1988. Besides, there
are several manuscripts with regard to Book 2 and 3, dating from 1867/68, which are
expected to be published in 2007 (MEGA-volume II/4.3).

Best, Regina

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Jaegserstrasse 22/23
D-10117 Berlin
Tel.: 49-30-20370274

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