[OPE-L] Bibliography on "Contemporary Labor Issues"

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Sat Mar 26 2005 - 19:11:37 EST

From the "working-class-studies" mailing list./ In solidarity, Jerry

---------------------------- Original Message ------------------------
Subject: Bibliography on "Contemporary Labor Issues"
From:    "Kim Scipes" <kimscipes@earthlink.net>
Date:    Sat, March 26, 2005 12:42 am

Dear Folks--

For those who are interested in contemporary issues in and around the
labor movement, I want to let you know that I have established an  on-line
bibliography of resources--mostly by activists, staff members  and engaged
academics--that is available to all.  It can be found at
http://faculty.pnc.edu/kscipes/LaborBib.htm.  It is organized by
subject and I've tried to make it user-friendly.  Also, there are links
to useful web sites, and articles, when known to be on a web site, are
linked so you can download them.

This started out for a course on "Contemporary Labor Issues" that I  will
be teaching this summer at Purdue University North Central in  Westville,
IN, which is between Gary and South Bend.  However, response  has been so
positive to it that I will continue it beyond this summer.   And while
most of the works are related to the US labor movement, I am  adding books
on workers' struggles in a growing number of countries  around the world.

This bibliography is an on-going project, and I would appreciate any
suggestions for additions, including your own work.  Please e-mail  these
to my work address, kscipes@pnc.edu.  I would appreciate full  details on
any item, and if it's available via a web site, please  include the URL.

The more widely this is known, the more value it will have for all of  us.
 Please feel free to pass on widely!

In solidarity,

Kim Scipes, Ph.D., long-time labor activist

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