[OPE-L] (new book) Paul Burkett _Marxism and Ecological Economics_

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Fri May 05 2006 - 09:12:59 EDT

I just visited the Brill sight and discovered that there is yet
another new book by a listmember.

_Marxism and Ecological Economics_

Subtitled "Towards a Red and Green Political Economy".

Brill Academic Publishers on the web.
www.brill.nl <http://www.brill.nl>

From the description at the Brill site, it sounds as if this is
a sequel to _Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective_
(NY, St. Martin's, 1999).  Would that be a fair statement, Paul?

Are there any other OPE-Lers who have books that are about to
be printed?

In solidarity, Jerry

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