[OPE-L] Karl Niebyl Centenary Symposium

From: Jerry Levy (Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM)
Date: Thu Nov 09 2006 - 20:38:50 EST

Is the book by Niebyl as good as advertised?
In solidarity, Jerry

----- Original Message ----- 


on Thursday 7 December 14.00 - 17.00, The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, room tbc

Speakers will include Sheila Dow, Alistair Dow, Dana Gaborand Victoria Chick

Other speakers tbc.

Karl Niebyl (1906-1985), a German Marxist studied briefly at the London School of Economics with Hayek, before emigrating to the U.S. where he wrote his most important work, Studies in the Classical Theories of Money, a devastating critique of the monetary theory of capitalism.

The Symposium is the first of a series of workshops on Money and Development, organised by Ph.D. students, Daniela Tavasci and Radha Upadhyaya, with assistance from Jan Toporowski.

Further nformation may be obtained from Jan Toporowski, e-mails: jt29@soas.ac.uk

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