Re: [OPE-L] Marxist internet archive

From: David Yaffe (david@DANYAF.PLUS.COM)
Date: Sun May 06 2007 - 16:33:49 EDT

I do not hold Stalin in high regard,  but I do object to the gratuitous use
of the term Stalinism as an insult to attack opponents by those who have
never examined its class roots and development in the Soviet Union.


At 18:48 05/05/2007 +0100, you wrote:
>Quoting David Yaffe <david@DANYAF.PLUS.COM>:
> > Paul,
> >
> > I have no idea what is happening to MIA. Personally I find it a very
> > important source of material.  However you cannot get away with your
> > gratuitous insult against Che Guevara. Che was a Marxist of international
> > standing who had a deep knowledge of Marx's Capital and wrote an important
> > critique of the Soviet Manual of Political Economy, so contributing very
> > significant theoretical insights to our understanding of the process of
> > constructing socialism. Orthodox Marxists cannot be equated with
> > 'Stalinists' either. Neither Castro nor Guevara are/were Stalinists.
> > Perhaps this kind of comment reflects the appalling state of the left
> > movement in imperialist countries, but one expects higher standards in
> > OPE-L to be maintained.
>I dont use the term Stalinist as an insult. From what I can gather
>Che held Stalin in high regard, and insisted in planting flowers on
>his grave when visiting Moscow, some what to the embarasment of
>the Cuban ambassador.
> >
> > David Yaffe
> >
> > 'At 22:13 04/05/2007 +0100, you wrote:
> > >Has the Marxist internet archive been taken over by the SWP or some
> > >similar Trotskyist sect?
> > >
> > >The content of the archive seems to have changed significantly recently.
> > >There are now a large number of relatively minor American and British
> > >Trotkyists included, which is probably fair enough, but what is
> > >more insidious is that orthodox communist writers are being
> > >systematically dropped from the index.
> > >
> > >Mao, Chou-en-lai, Stalin, Castro have all be edited out of the main web
> > >site index. Geuvara is the only orthodox communist or Stalinist still
> > >retained in the index - presumably because his romantic appeal is
> > >taken to redeem his Stalinism.
> > >
> > >Whoever is running the archive now is airbrushing out politically
> > >unacceptable marxists just as was done in the USSR, all that has
> > >changed is the particuluar set of marxists who are deemed unacceptable.
> > >
> > >Paul Cockshott
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >----------------------------------------------------------------
> > >This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> >
>Paul Cockshott
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