[OPE-L] Historical Materialism , issues 14.3, 14.4, 15.1

From: Jerry Levy (Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM)
Date: Thu May 10 2007 - 19:46:59 EDT

> From: Sebastian Budgen <sebastian@amadeobordiga.u-net.com>
> Subject:  Announcing issues 14.3, 14.4 and 15.1 of HISTORICAL

> Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory
>   Announcing issues 14.3, 14.4 and 15.1
>   Historical Materialism
>   Research in Critical Marxist Theory
>   Volume 15 Issue 1
>   2007
>   __________________________________
>   Article
>   Carlo Vercellone
>   From Formal Subsumption to General Intellect: Elements for a Marxist
>   Reading of the Thesis of Cognitive Capitalism
>   Symposium:
>   Ernest Mandel and the Historical Theory of Global Capitalism
>   Marcel van der Linden and Jan Willem Stutje
>   Editorial Introduction
>   Jairus Banaji
>   Islam, the Mediterranean and the Rise of Capitalism
>   Patrick Karl O'Brien
>   Global Economic History as the Accumulation of Capital through a
>   Process of Combined and Uneven Development. An Appreciation and
>   Critique of Ernest Mandel
>   Michael R. Krätke
>   On the History and Logic of Modern Capitalism. The Legacy of Ernest
>   Mandel
>   Marcel van der Linden
>   The 'Law' of Uneven and Combined Development: Some Underdeveloped
>   Thoughts
>   Jan-Willem Stutje
>   Concerning Der Spätkapitalismus: Mandel's Quest for a Synthesis of Late
>   Capitalism
>   Review Articles
>   Spencer Dimmock
>   on Jane Whittle's The Development of Agrarian Capitalism: Land and
>   Labour in Norfolk, 1440-1580
>   João Bernardo
>   on Alessandro Orsini's L'Eretico della Sinistra. Bruno Rizzi Élitista
>   Democratico
>   Anthony Chase
>   on the Leiden Journal of Internal Law's 'International Symposium on
>   Marxism and International Law'
>   Alan Thornett
>   on Ralph Darlington's and Dave Lyddon's Glorious Summer: Class Struggle
>   in Britain in 1972
>   The Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism
>   Peter Thomas
>   Historicism, Absolute
>   Volume 14 Issue 4
>   2006
>   __________________________________
>   Symposium:
>   On David Harvey's The New Imperialism
>   Sam Ashman
>   Editorial Introduction
>   Ellen Meiksins Wood
>   Logics of Power: A Conversation with David Harvey
>   Noel Castree
>   David Harvey's Symptomatic Silence
>   Bob Sutcliffe
>   Imperialism Old and New: A Comment on David Harvey's The New
>   Imperialism and Ellen Meiksins
>   Wood's Empire of Capital
>   Robert Brenner
>   What Is and What Is Not Imperialism?
>   Sam Ashman and Alex Callinicos
>   Capital Accumulation and the State System: Assessing David Harvey's The
>   New Imperialism
>   Ben Fine
>   Debating the 'New' Imperialism
>   David Harvey
>   Comment on Commentaries
>   Intervention
>   Mike Lebowitz
>   The Politics of Beyond Capital
>   Literature Review
>   Stuart Elden
>   Some Are Born Posthumously: The French Afterlife of Henri Lefebvre
>   Review Articles
>   Peter Green & Martin Thomas
>   on Nigel Harris's The Return of Cosmopolitan Capital
>   Mark Bould
>   on Carl Freedman's The Incomplete Projects: Marxism, Modernity and the
>   Politics of Culture
>   Neil Lazarus
>   on David Macey's Frantz Fanon: A Life
>   Loren Goldner
>   on Franklin Rosemont's Joe Hill: the IWW and the Making of a
>   Revolutionary Working Class Counter Culture
>   Vincent Presumey
>   on Revolutionary History: From Syndicalism to Trotskyism - Writings of
>   Alfred and Marguerite Rosmer
>   Ellen Isayev
>   on Guy Bradley's Ancient Umbria
>   The Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism
>   Karen Ruoff Kramer
>   'Jeans'
>   Volume 14 Issue 3
>   2006
>   __________________________________
>   Articles
>   Paul Burkett & Martin Hart-Landsberg
>   China and the Dynamics of Transnational Accumulation: Causes and
>   Consequences of Global Restructuring
>   Paresh Chattopadhyay
>   Capital, the Progenitor of Socialism: Progress as the Dialectic of
>   Negativity in the Critique of Political Economy
>   Christopher J. Arthur
>   The Inner Totality of Capitalism
>   Geoff Kennedy
>   Digger Radicalism and Agrarian Capitalism
>   Andrew Robinson & Simon Tormey
>   Zizek's 'Marx': 'Sublime Object' or a 'Plague of Fantasies'
>   Interventions
>   John Eric Marot
>   Trotsky, the Left Opposition and the Rise of the Stalinism: Theory and
>   Practice
>   Martin Thomas
>   Three Traditions? Marxism and the USSR
>   Review Articles
>   Carl Freedman
>   on Christopher Hitchens's Why Orwell Matters, Jeffrey Meyers's Orwell:
>   Wintry Conscience of a Generation and John Newsinger's Orwell's
>   Politics.
>   Ian Birchall
>   on Jean-François Fayet's Karl Radek (1885-1939)
>   Charles Post
>   on Robert J. Steinfeld, Coercion, Contract, and Free Labor in the
>   Nineteenth Century
>   Charles Post
>   on Roger L. Ransom's and Richard Sutch's, One Kind of Freedom: The
>   Economic Consequences of Emancipation
>   Marcel Stoetzler
>   on Michael Forman's Nationalism and the International Labor Movement,
>   The Idea of the Nation in Socialist and Anarchist Theory
>   Geoff Kennedy
>   on Neal Wood's Reflections on Political Theory: A Voice of Reason From
>   the Past
> historicalmaterialism@soas.ac.uk
>   www.brill.nl/hima
>   HISTORICAL MATERIALISM - Research in Critical Marxist Theory
>   ISSN 1465-4466
>   ..............
>   List price Individuals: EUR 47.- / US$ 60.-
>   List price Institutions: EUR 239.- / US$ 304.-
>   This journal is also available as an online only subscription.
>   List price Institutions: EUR 215.- / US$ 274.-
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>   Netherlands and residents of other EU member states without a VAT
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>   vary slightly from the prices advertised.
>   For all subscription enquiries, write to brill@turpin-distribution.com
>   For all subscription problems, write to
> historicalmaterialism@soas.ac.uk
>   ..............
>   P.O. BOX 9000
>   2300 PA LEIDEN
>   TEL: +31 (0)71 53 53 566
>   FAX: +31 (0)71 53 17 32
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