[OPE-L] CFP: Global 1989]

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Thu Aug 30 2007 - 13:07:08 EDT

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------

-----Original Message-----
From: H-NET List for World History [mailto:H-WORLD@H-NET.MSU.EDU] On Behalf
Of David M. Kalivas
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 8:56 AM
Subject: CFP: The global 1989

From: Armbruster, Chris

The global 1989

Call for a workshop to be held at London School of Economics (LSE) in early
summer 2008. The workshop aims to generate a collection of papers for
publication in an edited volume to mark the twentieth anniversary of 1989.

Centre for International Studies, London School of Economics-
www.lse.ac.uk/collections/CIS/ Cold War Studies Centre, LSE -
www.lse.ac.uk/collections/CWSC/ BISA Historical Sociology and IR Working
Group - www.historical-sociology.org/ Research Network 1989 -

The ramifications of '1989' are not limited to Europe. Of course, the
collapse of the Soviet empire, the revolutions of 1989, and the dissolution
of state socialism in Europe were important events in their own right. But
their impact spread much further a field, generating a period of uncertainty
and turbulence in world politics which is still being felt today.

In anticipation of the twentieth anniversary of 1989, we invite
contributions to a workshop focusing on how to explain and interpret 'the
global 1989'.

In particular, we are interested in thinking through the 'time' and 'space'
of 1989, looking at:

. The place of 1989 in world historical perspective: How significant is
1989? How does it compare to comparable landmark events, moments and
processes? What are the principal global legacies of 1989?

. The impact of 1989 around the world, in terms of: a) invigorating debates
about a range of global issues from the extension of US power to exploring
new forms of interventionism, the changing role of the EU, the rise of
China, the impact of global terrorism, and the emergence of culture as an
important site of geopolitical conflict; and b) stimulating novel forms of
inter-state and intra-state politics, including the extent to which regions
have becoming fully fledged actors in their own right.

Proposed format
. Anticipated number of participants: 8-12 . Deadline for expressions of
interest, including an abstract for a proposed contribution: 30 September
2007 . Draft version of 7-8,000 words ready for circulation among workshop
participants: 30 March 2008 . Workshop at LSE: May/June 2008 . Deadline for
revised submissions: 30 August 2008 . Publication: 2009

For more information about this event, please contact George Lawson
(g.lawson@gold.ac.uk), Convenor of the Historical Sociology and IR working
group, and Chris Armbruster, Executive Director, Research Network 1989

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