[OPE] Philosophical Essays on Materialism and Marxism

From: gerald_levy1973 (Gerald_A_Levy@msn.com)
Date: Tue Apr 08 2008 - 16:54:19 EDT

via Ralph Dumain's marxistphilosophy group


Philosophical Essays on Materialism and Marxism
Prof. Dr. Franz J. T. Lee,
Department of Post-Graduate Studies,
Faculty of Juridical & Political Sciences,
University of the Andes,
Mérida, Venezuela.


A. The Origins of Greek Materialism: From the Sixth to the Fifth 
Century B.C.

1. Materialist Origin
The Age of the „Seven Wise Men"
3. Concerning Bias
4. Concerning Thales
5. Concerning Anaximander (about 610 to 547 B.C.), also of Miletius
6. Heracleitus and Parmenides

B. Materialism in Greek Philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
 Hýle" or „Arché" - Search for the Primordial Substance
  Socrates (probably lives from 469-399 B.C)
  Plato (427 - 347 B.C.) – 
  Eros and Idea 
(384-322 B.C.) – 
  Not Yet Accomplished Entelecheía

 History and the Contents of the Concept Matter: From Greek 
Antiquity  to the Renaissance
 Not Always the Same
 Searching for the Arché, the Principium
  The First Philosophers – The Milesians
  Thales (ca. 624 - 546 B.C.)
  Anaximander (611/10 - 547/46 B.C.)
  Anaximenes (dates uncertain, flourished before 494 B.C.)
 Heracleitus - Fire - Becoming
 Parmenides and Xenophanes – World Sphere, One - Immobility
 Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Democritus
  The Sophists  - The Wandering Educators
  Plato - Aristotle: Matter is Indefinite and Fermenting Definite
  Epicurus, Stoics, Plotin
  The Stoics – No Accident, No Chance, Only „Advice of Zeus"
   Plotin - Changing the Platonic „not–Being", Matter, to Evil
  Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) - Original Light (Urlicht)
   Giovanni Pico de la Mirandola (1463-1494)
  Telesio (1508-1588)
  Patrizzi (1529-1597)
   Pomponazzi (1462-1525)

D. Marx and Engels: From Idealism to Materialism
   Karl Marx, Childhood and Youth
   Student Years in Bonn and Berlin
   Marx's Letter to His Father of November 10/11, 1837
   Marx and the Young Hegelians in Berlin
   Marx's Doctoral Dissertation, 1839-1841
   Marx and Feuerbach
   Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law, Study of History, 1843-1844
   The „Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher" - Friendship With Friedrich

   E. Friedrich Engels
    Childhood and Youth
   Business, Language and Poetry
  „Letters  From Wuppertal" – Critique of Religion
  From the Critique of Religion to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy
  Engels and the Young Hegelians – Development Towards Socialism
  Engel's Break with the „Young Germany" Group; his Association with 
   the „Free" Group
  Co-Operation with the „Rheinische Zeitung"
   Engels Meets Marx 
  Collaboration with the „Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher", 1842-1843

F. The Materialist View of History
   The Holy Family, November, 1844
   The German Ideology, 1845-1846

G. Charles Darwin and Karl Marx: A Critical Appraisal

H. Wisdom, Philosophy and the Proletariat

I. Ideology and Revolutionary Theory-Praxis

1. General

2. Historical

   Ideology Before Marx

4. Scientific Socialist Concept of „Ideology" (Marx)

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