Re: [OPE] The Crisis of the Euro

From: <>
Date: Mon Jan 26 2009 - 04:40:25 EST

 Paul, sorry, as to your question whether we can have a similar initiative in Europe (not the as EU) I am not in a position to answer.
I guess it is possible. But we need some well known public figures and so on.



-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Cockshott <>
To: Outline on Political Economy mailing list <>
Sent: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 10:21
Subject: RE: [OPE] The Crisis of the Euro

Dogan I am involved in an intiative in south america to respond to the crisis
I wonder if there is a chance to get a similar EU initiative. I enclose the
modified version of the talk I will give, only partially translated into spanish
so far.
Paul Cockshott
Dept of Computing Science
University of Glasgow
+44 141 330 1629


From: on behalf of
Sent: Mon 1/26/2009 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [OPE] The Crisis of the Euro

I guess this relates to all treats we are currently having. But I put it here to
support Paul B's statement below. It is a quote from German Chancellor Angela
Merkel's new year address. The speech as a whole seems to be not translated yet.
Since I have very limited time I will try to translate only one passage. It
would have been however very interesting to analyse the whole speech to get a
meaning of what bourgeois politicians in the face of world econo
mic crisis try
to do:

"Meine Devise ist: Wir wollen die Auswirkungen der weltweiten Finanzkrise nicht
einfach überstehen. Wir wollen stärker aus ihr herausgehen, als wir
hineingekommen sind. Das geht, das können wir gemeinsam schaffen!"

"My motto is: we do not want simply survive the effects of world-wide financial
crisis. We want to come out of it stronger than we went into it. This is
possible, we can make it together!"

Similar statements about the question to how to handle the crisis have been
made by various other leading politicians and figures from industrial and
economic organisations. What is interesting about this statement is that it
clearly states what means and way(s) German burgeois politicians are going apply
to handle the crisis. The underlying principle in this quotation is that of
expansion. Roland Koch, another leading politician from Merkel's party CDU, was
more open and said we must enclose new market segments when we come out of the
crisis. Now as the world markets are already distributed among imperialist
countries this is a clear statement for a redistribution. Mr. Obama's
recovery-plan indicates in the same direction. So we may assume that the
competition (economic, political, military technological etc.) among imperialist
countries is going to sharpen. The question for working classes and socialist
movement is how to overcome this situation before it comes to the
situation that
war between imperialist forces becomes continuation of politics with other

-----Original Message-----
From: paul bullock <>
To: Outline on Political Economy mailing list <>
Sent: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 22:12
Subject: Re: [OPE] The Crisis of the Euro

given your enthusiasm for Rosa ( which we all share I imagine) i'm a bit
suprised that you say you are slowly trying to read up on imperialism......although
such an honest st aement does reflect the peculiarly common position amongst
left 'economists'....
. anyway, I wanted to say that 'accusations' of fascism were not inaccurate in
the cases of Mussolini's Italy, Nazi Germany and Japan during the second
inter-imperalist world slaughter.... so I guess you are worried about the use of
the term in the case of ....... USA? UK? France? ... When imperialist states
become more seriously debilitated by economic crisis then it is clear that the
use of violence by the state against the working class, and the removal of
democratic rights is typical. If we take it that inter imperialist rivalry,
whatever its particular forms, will deepen as the struggle for markets and
materials deepens, then the political definition of fascism will in fact become
more appropriate for such states. This is not to be pessimistic about the role
of the working class must take on, but a reflection on the lesson of modern
history. With respect to 'leftists'... wel
l we don't live in a world where
emmotions and reactions are all concisely expressed by a universal standard use
of words....and that is no excuse for understanding and demonstrating the fact
of imperialism.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Zachariah" <>
To: "Outline on Political Economy mailing list" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009=2 011:19 AM
Subject: Re: [OPE] The Crisis of the Euro
> paul bullock wrote:
>> You are quite right, that there seems to be an absolute fear of >> discussing
imperialism by many in the acedemic/socialist/ heterodox etc >> area... which if
one compares the open investigation of the subject by >> classical liberals at
the turn of the 20th century eg Hobson, or >> Schumpeter , is quite striking.
> I'm slowly trying to read up on the topic of imperialism. But my > impression
is that it is not a discussion that is 'feared' among left-wing > intellectuals
but rather imperialism after de-colonisation of most of the > world was a lot
harder to comprehend and analyse than in the days of > Hobson and Lenin. The
political and economic dominance of the US in the > world has operated quite
differently than the British state during its > peak.
> Moreover, I think 'imperialism' as a concept has lost its accuracy by > misuse
by leftists. C.f. the accusations of 'fascist'.
> //Dave Z
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