Re: [OPE] what this list is about

From: <>
Date: Fri Mar 06 2009 - 07:57:20 EST

 Certaily, it is rather other way around. Marxism is much more than political economy.
Marxism is the *critique of political economy*. And it is the comprehensive and critical approach
that enables us to clasfy those pure polıtical economist as vulgar and Marxism as
opposed to that as scientific. I guess we have to return to our scholarly discussions
about Marx and Marxism. We have to clarıfy so many dıfferent aspects of Marx's work.
This does not mean that we limit ourselves just to Marx's and Marxists works.
But it needs to be related to Marx. Anything else seems to me to be time waisting.

The satement seems to be clear: "OPE-L (Outline on Political Economy list) is a small, closed list of Marxists
who have been discussing controversial issues in political
 economy since September, 1995". If this is the case
and if you have other expectations than defined in the original statement why did you join the list.



-----Original Message-----
From: Alejandro Agafonow <>
To: Outline on Political Economy mailing list <>
Sent: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 14:40
Subject: Re: [OPE] what this list is about

Well, DZ is not alone in his expectations about OPE-L. It is evident that the practice has overcome the narrow definition of OPE-L as a list of Marxists.


Political Economy is much more than Marxism.


A. Agafonow

: Outline on Political Economy mailing list <>
Enviado: viernes, 6 de marzo, 2009 13:26:05
Asunto: [OPE] what this list is about

[JB] but the list is surely about inquiry into Marx & Engels's interpretation.
[DZ] Let me make it crystal clear to you now: I did *not* join this
list to discuss "Marx & Engels's interpretation". Please do not reply to
me in the belief that I did. I joined this list for the purpose of discussing political
Wearing my moderator's hat, this is how the list is most simply defined:
"OPE-L (Outline on Political Economy list) is a small, closed list of Marxists
who have been discussing controversial issues in political
 economy since
September, 1995"
The list was never defined so narrowly as to mean that we would
focus only on interpretations of Marx (and Engels). However, those
interpretations form a sub-set of the much larger set (controversial issues
in political economy) and so, therefore, are certainly legitimate subjects for
Which topics
 we discuss are basically left to the interest and good judgment
of members. It's also obviously the case that while any member can raise
a topic for discussion, the participation of other members is required to
make it a real discussion (as opposed to a soliloquy).  An inference from this
is that if you want members to discuss a question, you are well advised
to think=2
0about how to pose the topic for discussion in order to achieve
the objective of actual discussion.
In solidarity, Jerry


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Received on Fri Mar 6 08:04:22 2009

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