[OPE] G8 foreign ministers signal cautious stance on Iran...

From: Jurriaan Bendien <adsl675281@telfort.nl>
Date: Fri Jun 26 2009 - 11:08:05 EDT

G8 foreign ministers signal cautious stance on Iran
By Guy Dinmore in Trieste

Published: June 26 2009 13:36 | Last updated: June 26 2009 13:36

Group of Eight foreign ministers meeting in Italy on Friday cautiously
bridged their differences over how to deal with Iran by deploring the deaths
of peaceful demonstrators but reiterating their invitation to Tehran to join
direct talks over its nuclear programme.

Of course they would say that - imagine if outraged workers started mass
protests in their own countries, just like they are doing in Iran! Imagine
what would happen if the pharisees of the bourgeoisie finally got their just
desserts! Imagine, if the Left, instead of preaching about Iran from afar,
would follow the example of the Iranian protestors in their own country!


There is no depression in New Zealand;
    there are no sheep on our farms,
There is no depression in New Zealand;
    we can all keep perfectly calm,

Everybody's talking about World War Three;
    everybody's talking about World War Three,
But we're as safe as safe can be,
    there's no unrest in this country
We have no dole queues,
    we have no drug addicts,
        we have no racism,
            we have no sexism, sexism, no, no

There is no depression in New Zealand;
    there are no teeth in our heads
There is no depression in New Zealand;
    we sleep in a well made bed
Oh but everybody's talking about World War Three,
    yes everybody's talking about World War Three,
But we're as safe as safe can be,
    there's no unrest in this country
We have no SIS,
    we have no secrets,
        we have no rebellion;
            we have no valium, valium, no, no

There is no depression in New Zealand;
    there are no sheep on our farms,
There is no depression in New Zealand;
    oh we can all keep perfectly calm,
        perfectly calm,
            perfectly calm,
                perfectly calm,
                    perfectly calm...


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