[OPE] (new book) Magdoff and Yates, _The ABCs of the Economic Crisis_

From: Gerald Levy <jerry_levy@verizon.net>
Date: Mon Oct 05 2009 - 16:07:10 EDT

order online

or call 800.670.9499

$11.95 paperback
144 pp.


The ABCs of the Economic Crisis:
What Working People Need to Know

by Fred Magdoff and Michael D. Yates
"Rich, powerful, highly-educated people created the economic crisis of
2008-09, while hundreds of millions of working people suffer the
consequences--lost homes, lost jobs, rising insecurity, and falling living
standards. How could this happen? In The ABCs of the Economic Crisis, Fred
Magdoff and Michael Yates tell the story clearly, simply, and briefly.
Here's one way to become part of the solution: think hard about everything
Magdoff and Yates write in this book."--Robert Pollin, Professor of
Economics and Co-Director, Political Economy Research Institute (PERI),
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
"Fred Magdoff and Michael Yates have written a sorely needed and extremely
clear guide to the economic crisis. They pull back the curtains to reveal
the role and power of the Wall Street financial interests and the economic
policies that brought us to this point. The book is both a quick read and a
clear, easy-to-understand explanation of the economic system and how it has
been rigged to benefit corporate and financial interests at the expense of
working people. The glossary alone is worth the price of the book but the
chapter detailing the role and influence of Wall Street in the U.S.
government is invaluable."--Carol Lambiase, UE Education Director and
International Representative
"Clear and well written! The ABCs of the Economic Crisis also includes the
XYZs. Magdoff and Yates's systemic analysis of the crisis shows both how and
why the crisis occurred, while pointing to the kind of actions required to
prevent a repetition."--Michael Perelman, Professor of Economics, California
State University, Chico
"Despite the severity of the current economic crisis, few people have been
able to explain what has happened--not just the technical details of the
housing market, but the larger economic trends that impact wages,
employment, and equality. Yates and Magdoff provide a sharp analysis of how
we got to this moment and how most of the proposed solutions will do little
to change the deeper underlying problems most people have been facing not
just in the last year, but in the last several decades. Clear, accessible,
and timely, this book will be a valuable resource for anyone trying to
understand our economy."--Stephanie Luce, Associate Professor, Labor Center
of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst

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Received on Mon Oct 5 16:10:00 2009

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