Re: [OPE] Kyn against the New Socialism of the 21st Century

From: Gerald Levy <>
Date: Sun May 09 2010 - 13:12:08 EDT

>. By the way I tried to
> answer you directly on OP-L, but Levy did not allow me to place there my
> contribution.


What actually happened was that Oldrich sent a 'subscribe' message to
listserv and I replied (as I do with all such requests) by explaining the
list policy on admissions. I did state, though, that because his name came
up in our discussions, I would forward post(s) he wrote in reply to our
to the list if he so wished. He never replied to that message. I did not at
any time
suggest or infer that I would "censor" his replies.

In solidarity, Jerry

ope mailing list
Received on Sun May 9 13:16:17 2010

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