Re: [OPE] socialist planning in capitalist firms

Date: Thu Jun 10 2010 - 09:41:14 EDT

> So again, the qualitative inputs provided by returns to management are essential to asses the
> opportunity costs of centrally planned socialism.

Hi Alejandro:
This could be cited as a rationalization for a bureaucratic managerial elite.
Yet, it was the presence of a bureaucracy itself that accounted for most of the
inefficiencies and inequalities associated with what you call 'centrally planned
socialism'. As for the opportunity costs, this was fundamentally a reflection
of the scarcity caused by the isolation of these economies. The way to overcome
this problem - something that Lenin and the majority of the 'old Bolsheviks'
were very clear about - would have been global socialism.
In solidarity, Jerry
ope mailing list
Received on Thu Jun 10 09:42:48 2010

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