[OPE-L:6585] [OPE-L:50] Query Moscow Capital

Alejandro Ramos (aramos@btl.net)
Sun, 12 Jul 1998 20:23:58 -0500

On OPE-L 49, Chris A. writes:

>Re Volume 1 of Capital. The FLPH editions of 1954 and 1962 do >not have a
subject index. The Progress Publisher edition of >1983 does. When did it
acquire it? I suspect in the Progress >edition issued around 1964.

I have a copy of the PP edition (I guess, reprinting) of 1965 and it
*doesn't* have subject index. I also have a copy of the reprinting of 1992
and it *does* have a subject index. The number of pages of both editions is
as follows:

Year 1965: 807 pp. (Same as 1954?)
Year 1992: 767 pp.

When did they change the pagination and, pressumably, added the subject index?

A couple of extra questions:

(A) Does someone know the years of edition and number of pages of the *3
vols* as edited by FLPH and Progress (International, L&W)?

(B) What are the editions of Capital in English language?

I know the following:

1. Swan Sonnenschein, translated by Moore and Aveling, 1887. Only vol 1.
Are there reprintings? How many?

2. Modern Library. Only vol. I. Moore and Aveling? Year of the first
edition? Variants?

3. Kerr. 3 vols. Translated by Ernest Unterman. Revision of Moore-Aveling
translation of vol 1. Vol 1, ????; vol 2, 1907 (?), vol 3, 1909 (?) Variants?

4. Everyman. Only vol. 1. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul; introduction
by G.D.H. Cole, 1930. I don't know if there are variants. It follows the
German 4th edition, so it has 25 chapters.

5. "Moscow". 3 vols. See question A) above. Pressumably this is a revision
of Moore-Aveling and Kerr (Unterman). Are International and Lawrence and
Wishart always the same?

6. Penguin-Vintage. 3 vols. Vol 1, 1976, tranlated by Ben Fowkes; vol 2,
1978, translated by David Fernbach; vol 3, 1981, idem.

7. Collected Works, vols 35-37, 1996, 1997, 1998. It based in "Moscow".

Sorry, I don't have rewards to offer. I'm wondering if I can get that
announced by Chris...

Alejandro Ramos

>Anyone who helps will be rewarded with a draft review of MECW >37 for
which I need this info.
>Chris A.