Gerald Levy (glevy@pratt.edu)
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 10:56:37 -0500 (EST)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 09:03:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [OPE-L:2966] HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OPE-L!

* One year ago today -- September 5, 1995 -- our list officially began. *

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<|||||| HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OPE-L! ||||||>
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I'd like to thank all of you for making this list work. I believe we are
on the cutting edge of Internet mailing lists and have had more serious
discussions, higher participation rates, and a higher signal-to-noise
ratio that any other Net mailing list (on any topic!) that I am familiar
with. Moreover, the fact that this remains a collaborative project and a
"space" where various perspectives on Marxist political economy are
seriously engaged in good faith and goodwill is something that we can all
take credit for and be proud of. I think that our experience working
together should give us real hope for the future development of
international collaboration among Marxists economists. I salute you all!

Some statistics and info. on our first year follows.

In OPE-L Solidarity,




(by month: 9/5/95 - 9/5/96)

Month Year # of subscribers # who wrote posts # of posts
----- ---- ---- ---- ----

September 1995 17 11 175

October " 29 19 213

November " 34 24 224

December " 32 18 157

January 1996 33 17 135

February " 37 23 357

March " 36 28 391

April " 38 24 392

May " 37 24 386

June " 39 13 150

July " 40 19 188

August " 41 20 158

September 1-4 " 41 14 28


Total amount of subscribers (current and former): -49-

Total participation (during course of year): -45-

Total participation by current subscribers: -38- of -41-


(by continent & country)

Current Current & Former
------- ----------------

I. North America 20 25

- Canada 2 2
- United States 18 23

II. South America 4 4

- Bolivia 1 1
- Brazil 2 2
- Mexico 1 1

III. Asia 4 4

- Japan 3 3
- Korea 1 1

IV. Australia 1 2

V. Europe 12 14

- France 2 2
- Germany 0 1
- Greece 1 1
- Italy 1 1
- Netherlands 1 2
- United Kingdom 7 7

Notes: Fred was placed in US even though he is in Mexico.
Hans was placed in US even though he is from Germany.
Costas was placed in UK even though he is from Greece and is now
(temporarily) in Japan.
Massimo was placed in UK even though he is Italian.
Paul C was placed in UK even though he is from Scotland. :-)
Alfredo was placed in UK even though he is Brazilian.
Mino, a former member, was placed in the Netherlands even though he
is from Italy.
Japan was included in Asia.
We were all placed in individual countries even though we are all

*** Trivia Questions ***

(1) Who wrote [OPE-L:100]?
(2) Who wrote [OPE-L:500]?
(3) Who wrote [OPE-L:1000]?
(4) Who wrote [OPE-L:2000]?
(5) Who wrote the first post of 1996?
(6) Who wrote the only post whose OPE-L # was the same as the year it was
written in?

Answers appears at end of post.


*** Current Subscribers ***

Mariko Adachi Dominique Levy
Alejandro Valle Baeza Jerry Levy
Riccardo Bellofiore Patrick Mason
Rakesh Bhandari Stavros Mavroudeas
Paul Cockshott Ted McGlone
Allin Cottrell Simon Mohun
Stephen Cullenberg Fred Moseley
Massimo De Angelis Michele Naples
Maria de Lourdes Mollo Michael Perelman
Gerard Dumenil Nelson Pinto
Hans Ehrbar Alejandro Ramos
John R. Ernst Geert Reuten
Duncan Foley Bruce Roberts
Alan Freeman Alfredo Saad Filho
Makoto Itoh Anwar Shaikh
Steve Keen Gilbert Skillman
Iwao Kitamura Murray Smith
Andrew Kliman Tony Smith
Costas Lapavitsas Michael Williams
Michael A. Lebowitz Paul Zarembka
Chai-on Lee

*** Former Subscribers ***

Carole Biewener Heiner Ganssmann
Paul Burkett Paul Mattick, Jr.
Guglielmo Carchedi Bill Mitchell
Jim Devine Jim O'Connor

Note: e-mail addresses for all of the current subscribers can be obtained
by sending a "RECIPIENTS" message to <listproc@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu>.


Answers to Trivia Questions:
(1) Paul Z
(2) Mike L
(3) Allin
(4) Alan
(5) Paul C
(6) Duncan wrote [OPE-L:#1996].

