[OPE-L:1887] Web links to OPE-L archive

Subject: [OPE-L:1887] Web links to OPE-L archive
Date: Fri Dec 10 1999 - 16:17:18 EST

No one has voiced an objection to the idea of the new CSE/Capital & Class
web-site incorporating a link to the OPE-L archive -- which seems sensible,
since it's hard to see how such link could increase the degree to which the
archive is already in the public domain.

But just in case there is a list member who is currently not in a position
to keep up with OPE-L posts, but would object if they were aware of the
idea, I propose the following:

        to wait until 1 January 2000, and if no objection has been
forthcoming, to then add the link to the CSE site.

In the meantime, thanks to those who have kindly suggested other useful
links: the CSE site is now active, and can be accessed at


(I gather that older browsers may give problems if the final slash is

Please be free with your comments, either to me or direct to the CSE office.


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