[OPE-L:1925] Re: the money supply

Gerald Levy (glevy@PRATT.EDU)
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 01:16:59 -0500 (EST)

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Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 23:00:57 EST
From: Akira Matsumoto

Dear Gerald

I showed a several papers in the "reference" of my paper which I put on this
Here I show a several relevant papers including both the empirical and
theoretical studies, and the peripheral studies.

(on Gold problem and International Comparative Cost Theory)

Akiyama, Seiichi (1982), “International Value and Gold”, The Kokugakuin
University Economic Studies, Vol.14, Kokugakuindaigaku Daigakuin Keizaigaku
Kenkyuka, Tokyo, Japan, in Japanese

— — — — — (1992), “On International Difference of National Income”, Kokugakuin
 Business Review, No.2, Kokugakuindaigaku Tochigi Tankidaigaku Shogakukai,
Tochigi, Japan, in Japanese

Yamada, Kishio (1985) “Standard of Price, Market price and Cost Price of
Gold”, The Kokugakuin University Economic Review, Vol.33, No.2 & 3, in
Japanese < Revision ; (1999) The theory of the contemporary money - credit
creation, Dallor system, and foreign exchange rate-, Aoki Publisher, tokyo,
Japan in Japanese>

— — — — — (1989) “Gold”, The Introduction of International Finance, Yuhikaku
Publisher, Tokyo,Japan < Revision ; (1999) The theory of the contemporary
money - credit creation, Dallor system, and foreign exchange rate-, Aoki
Publisher, tokyo, Japan, in Japanese>

Akiyoshi Yanagida(1994), The International Comparision of Labour
Productivity, Trade and External Direct Investment, Bunshindo Publisher, in

(on Foreign Exchange Rate)

Yamada, Kishio (1991) “Nominal Exchange Rate and real Exchange Rate”, ibid.,
Vol.39, No.2, in Japanese < Revision ; (1999) The theory of the contemporary
money - credit creation, Dallor system, and foreign exchange rate-, Aoki
Publisher, tokyo, Japan in Japanese>

— — — — —(1995) “Exchange Rate, Purchasing Power Parity and International
Comparison of Price”, ibid., Vol.43, No.3, in Japanese < Revision ; (1999) Th
e theory of the contemporary money - credit creation, Dallor system, and
foreign exchange rate-, Aoki Publisher, tokyo, Japan in Japanese>

Kon’i, Hironori (1981) “The National Difference in the Relative Value of
Money and the Rate of Exchange — A Point of Contact between Exchange Rates
Theory and ‘International Value’ Theory —, The Kokugakuin University Economic
Review, Vol.29, No.1 & 2, in Japanese

— — — — — (1985) “A Study on Foreign Exchange Rates and Monetary Crisis”,
ibid., Vol.33, No.2 & 3, in Japanese

Matsumoto, Akira (1991) “Observations on the Real Exchange Rate and the
Nominal Exchange Rate”, Ehime Economic Journal, Vol.XI, No.2, in Japanese

— — — — — (1994) “Bubble and Appreciation of Yen against Dollar”, Keizai
Kagaku Tsushin ( Journal of Political Economy ), No.76, Kiso Keizai Kagaku
Kenkyujyo (The Institute of Fundamental Political Economy), in Japanese

— — — — — (1996b) “On Two Factors of the Fluctuations of Foreign Exchange
Rate”, The Japan Society of Political Economy, No.33, Aoki Publisher, Tokyo,
in Japanese
Kon’i, Hironori (1981) “The National Difference in the Relative Value of
Money and the Rate of Exchange — A Point of Contact between Exchange Rates
Theory and ‘International Value’ Theory —, The Kokugakuin University Economic
Review, Vol.29, No.1 & 2, in Japanese

— — — — — (1996c) “The Floating of Exchange Rate and the Towel-Industry in
Imabari-area of Ehime, Japan”, IRC Monthly Report, No.102, Iyogin Regional
Economy Center, INC.

— — — — — (1997a) “The Influence to the Regional Industry by the Floating of
Exchange Rate — in the case of the Shipbuilding Industry —”, Monthly Report
of The Institute for Posts and Telecommunications Policy , No.101, The
Institute for Posts and Telecommunications Policy, the Ministry of Posts and

— — — — — (1997b) “The Foreign Exchange Rate, the Structure of Comparative
Costs, and the Gap between Internal and External Prices”, Review of Monetary
and Financial Studies, Vol.11 & 12, Japan Society of Monetary Economics,
Toyokeizai Publisher, Tokyo, in Japanese

Kaiho, Yukiyo (1993), The World Market and The International Balance of
Payment, Minorca Shoboh (Publisher), Kyoto, Japan

Yoshida, Masahiro (1997 ), The International Balance of Payment and The
International Currency Today, Azusa Syuppan (Publisher),Chiba, Japan, in

At 1:20 PM -0800 99.12.14, Gerald Levy wrote:
> Re Akira's [OPE-L:1921]:
> I asked previously if there were any empirical studies by Marxists using
> value categories in which gold is assumed to function as the money
> commodity. Akira responded:
> > (snip) the investigation on the assumption that gold is
> > money, I know several papers in Japanese.
> > For example, the study of estimating the de facto standard of price
> > from the product cost of gold and the International conparative cost
> > ( the exchange rate of labour among the international trade) and so on.
> Could you please give us fuller citations for these articles which include
> author, journal, year, etc..?
> In solidarity, Jerry


Visiting Scholar
Department of Economics,
University of California, Riverside
1150 University Avenue
Riverside, CA 92521-0427 USA
Phone 909-787-5037x1575 or X1570
Fax 909-787-5685
Email: akiram@mail.ucr.edu

Associate Professor on Money and Banking
Department of Comprehensive Policy Making
school of Law & Letters
EHIME University
Matsuyama, Ehime
790-8577, Japan
FaX: +81-89-927-8916
E-mail: amatsu@ll.ehime-u.ac.jp

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