[OPE-L:2564] Fw: Discussions in New York about capitalism and beyond

From: Andrew_Kliman (Andrew_Kliman@email.msn.com)
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 12:41:28 EST

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----- Original Message -----
From: Anne J <annenewyork@hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 10:43 AM
Subject: Discussions in New York about capitalism and beyond

: Please share the following New York events with people/lists who might
: interested: a talk by Peter Hudis March 26 entitled "Can Capitalism be
: Controlled? Economic-Philosophic Issues after Seattle," and a series of
: classes beginning April 9 entitled "Beyond Capitalism."
: Thanks,
: Anne Jaclard
: *********************************************************************
: New York News and Letters Committee invites you to a talk by
: Peter Hudis
: Sun., March 26, 6:30-8:30 pm
: Can Capital Be
: Controlled?
: Economic-
: Philosophic
: Issues After
: Seattle
: Why have so many focused on ways either to control capital or to
: it through external means, without ever getting to
: the elimination of value production? What explains the persistence of
: illusion that capital can be controlled, or even eliminated, without
: to the creation of a totally new kind of labor that dispenses with
: production altogether?
: Peter Hudis is the author of "The Dialectical Structure of Marx's
Concept of
: 'Revolution in Permanence'" (Capital & Class 70, Spring 2000),
: 'the Party' and the Problem of the New Society" (Historical Materialism
: 3, Winter 1998), and other works on the relation of philosophy and
: revolution. He is National Co-organizer of News and Letters
: Parish House parlor of
: Washington Square Church
: 133 W. 4th St., Manhattan
: (between Ave. of the Americas and
: Washington Square Park; near all trains)
: The meeting is free and open to the public. Presentation will be
followed by
: open discussion. For more information, call
: News and Letters at (212) 663-3631.
: *********************************************************************
: New York News and Letters Committee Invites You to a New Series of
: Beyond Capitalism: The Struggle for a New Society Against Today's
: Globalized Capital
: All classes will be held at Washington Square United Methodist Church,
: W. 4th St. (parlor of Parish House), Manhattan; between Avenue of the
: Americas [6th Ave.] and Washington Square park. Entrance is free.
: Presentations will be followed by full and free discussion. Call News
: Letters at (212) 663-3631 to obtain class readings or for more
: Sunday, April 9, 6:30 p.m.
: Class 1: From the 1992 LA Rebellion to 1994 Chiapas Uprising to the
: Seattle anti-WTO Protest: What is new in today's struggles against
: state-capitalism
: The Absolute Idea, or the concept of the new society, means that the
: totality of crisis is so pervasive that the average person, who might
: ordinarily have been concerned with but one aspect, such as wages...now
: searches instead for a totality of outlook. This means that whereas in
: "previous ages" only the depression compelled a move toward the
: revolutionary movement, or only the actual war, now the fear of each
and the
: very strong desire for a new way of life compels a search for "little
: groups" or newspapers such as News & Letters. -- Raya Dunayevskaya,
: Readings
: Marx: Capital, Vol. I, chapter 1 and chapter 25, sections 1-4.
: Dunayevskaya: "Introduction" (1981) to Rosa Luxemburg, Women's
: and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution; "Capitalist Production/Alienated
: Labor" (1986), in The Marxist-Humanist Theory of State-Capitalism.
: Supplementary: selected articles from News & Letters on anti-immigrant
: laws, prison industrial complex, welfare, "ethnic cleansing," and the
: struggles against them.
: Sunday, April 23, 6:30 p.m.
: Class 2: What is Capital?: The humanism and dialectical structure of
: Marx's Capital
: It is impossible to understand Marx's Capital, and especially its first
: chapter, if one has not studied and understood the whole of Hegel's
: --- V.I. Lenin, 1914
: Readings
: Marx: Capital, Vol. I, chapter 1
: Dunayevskaya: Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy
: Revolution, chapter 9, section 3, "Prometheus Unbound, 1844-48," and
: 10, "A Decade of Historic Transformation: from the Grundrisse to
: "Notes on Hegel's Smaller Logic," in The Power of Negativity.
: Supplementary: selected articles from News & Letters on labor
struggles of
: the 1990s.
: Sunday, April 30, 6:30 p.m.
: Class 3: Capital's Expanded Reproduction -- Its Ultimate Limit in
: Itself
: It is purely a tautology to say that crises are caused by the scarcity
: solvent consumers, or of a paying consumption. The capitalist system
: not know any other mode of consumption but a paying one...crises are
: precisely always preceded by a period in which wages rise generally and
: working class actually gets a larger share of the annual product
: for consumption. -- Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. II
: Readings
: Marx: Capital, Vol. 3, chapters 13-15.
: Dunayevskaya: Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy
: Revolution, chapter 3,
: "Marx's and Luxemburg's Theories of Accumulation of Capital"; "Notes
: Hegel's Smaller Logic," in The Power of Negativity.
: Supplementary: selected essays from News & Letters on Capital
: Sunday, May 7, 6:30 p.m.
: Class 4: After Capital --
: Marx's writings of his last decade on the Third World and Women's
: [In the writings of his last decade] Marx returns to probe the origin
: humanity, not for purposes of discovering new origins, but for
: new revolutionary forces, their reason, or as Marx called it in
: a sentence from [Henry Lewis] Morgan, "powers of the mind." How total,
: continuous, global must the concept of revolution be now?
: -- Raya Dunayevskaya, 1981
: Readings
: Marx: excerpts from the Ethnological Notebooks
: Dunayevskaya: Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's
Philosophy of
: Revolution, chapter 6, "An Overview by Way of Introduction: The Black
: Dimension," and chapter 12, sections 1-3, "The Last Writings of Marx"
: Supplementary: articles from News & Letters on developments in Africa,
: Balkans, and China.
: Sunday, May 21, 6:30 p.m.
: Class 5: What happens after? Developing an alternative to
: global capitalism through a unity of philosophy and organization
: The burning question of the day remains: What happens the day after?
How can
: we continue Marx's unchaining of the dialectic organizationally, with
: principles he outlined in his Critique of the Gotha Program? The
: of "what happens after" gains crucial importance because of what it
: in self-development and self-flowering -- "revolution in permanence."
: one knows what it is, or can touch it, before it appears. It is not the
: that can
: be fulfilled in just one generation. That is why it remains so elusive,
: why the abolition of the division between mental and manual labor
: utopian. It has the future written all over it. The fact that we cannot
: a blueprint does not absolve us from the task. It only makes it more
: difficult." -- Raya Dunayevskaya, 1987
: Readings
: Marx: Critique of the Gotha Program
: Dunayevskaya: Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's
Philosophy of
: Revolution: chapter 8, "The Unique and Unfinished Contributions of
: Women's Liberation Movement"; chapter 11, "The Philosopher of Permanent
: Revolution Creates New Ground for Organization"; and chapter 12,
section 4,
: "A 1980s View". The Philosophic Moment of Marxist-Humanism (1953
: and June 1, 1987 presentation).
: Supplementary: selections from Vol. 13 of the Supplement to the Raya
: Dunayevskaya Collection
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