Andrew, here's a reply to your 4503: >In OPE-L 4497, Rakesh Bhandari wrote > >: Surplus value does not have to remain invariant in the complete >: transformation in order for the the theory of exploitation to hold. > > >Why then, pray tell, did the author insist that total profit equals total >surplus-value? Rakesh's position implies internal contradiction, or >error, or "incompleteness" on Marx's part. Andrew, I do argue (and have argued repeatedly) that the sum of profits has to be determined by total surplus value. I argue however that since surplus value is total value or total price (its monetary expression), less cost price, the modification of cost price will change the mass of surplus value. That modified mass of surplus value then determines the modified sum of branch profits. Had you once looked at the set of transformation equations which I propose before this outburst of desperation? Here is my argument again. Following Ricardo's critique of Smith, Marx argues that the value of a product is not determined by adding up wages, profit and rent. Rather he maintains that the size of a product's value--as determined by the quantity of (indirect and direct) labor expended in its production--is the *primary*, basic magnitude that then is resolved into or breaks down into cost price and surplus value. It is therefore obvious that once the entire magnitude (the value of the product) is given in advance as a fixed entity (being dependent on the quantity of labor needed to produce it), any increase in one of its parts (cost price) will invariably lead to a fall in the other (surplus value). [see II Rubin, A History of Economic Thought, p. 259) So if C is the value of a product (which of course has a monetary expression based on the constant monetary expression of labor value which Marx assumes just as Ricardo did in his Principles): (1) C => k + s If not only C but also the monetary expression of labor value remains constant--as they do in the transformation exercise--then it is impossible for (2) (k+a) + s => C + a {a can be positive or negative) Under both Ricardian and Marxian assumption, this expresses the consequence of a modification of cost price (k + a), the whole point of the completed transformation (3) C => (k + a) + (s-a) The conditions which a successful complete transformation in which cost price is modified by the transformation of the inputs must meet rather are the following: A. the modified sum of surplus value (s - a) still determines the sum of profits B. the sum of profits still derives entirely from unpaid newly added value by labor This gives the transformation equations which I have proposed. (5) c1 + v1 +s1 = c1 + c2 + c3 (C) (6) c2 + v2 +s2 = v1 + v2 + v3 (V) (7) c3 + v3 +s3 = s1 + s2 + s3 (SVA) (8) (C + V + SVA) - (C + V) = s1 + s2 + s3 the set of transformation equations should then be: (9) (1+r) c1x + v1y = Cx (10) (1+r) c2x + v2y = Vy (11) (1+r) c3x + v3y = r(Cx + Vy) (SVB) (12) (Cx + Vy + SVB) - (Cx + Vy) = r(c1x + v1y) + r(c2x + v2y) + r(c3x + v3y) The invariance condition of course is (13) (C + V + SVA) = (Cx + Vy + SVB), In my equations, x, y and r can be solved; the equations do not overdetermine the system As the total value remains as constant the monetary expression of labor value throughout out the transformation exerise, the sum of prices in both schemes have to be set to equal each other, which is given in (13). There is no other invariance condition allowable on Marxian premises. The mass of surplus value is also set to equal to the sum of branch profits. The modified mass of surplus value is given in the left hand of equation (12) as the sum of prices of production minus the sum of modified cost prices, that is the sum of paid indirect and direct labor. This means of course that surplus value originates in unpaid labor. That sum of surplus value then determines the right hand of the equation: the sum of branch profits. So your outburst above was completely inappropriate: I maintain the so called second equality. SVA does not and should not equal SVB as cost prices have been modified. See (1)-(3). But though surplus value is not invariant, appropriated profit in the transformed scheme still originates entirely from unpaid labor; the theory of exploitation is thus upheld. There are two equalities indeed but only the one invariance condition which derives from Marxian theory. > >Rakesh claims that deviations of cost-price from the value of the used-up >means of production and consumption are offset by deviations of aggregate >profit from aggregate surplus-value. I am not quite sure what you are getting at; this may be my fault. But I argue that upon allowing for the transformation of the inputs, Marx recognizes that prices of the input means of production may no longer be 'proportional' to the value of those means of production as consumed in and transferred to the commodity output. I maintain that this is exactly what the textual evidence says Capital 3, p. 309. >I know of ABSOLUTELY NO textual >evidence that supports this claim. It is simply a consequence of his >adherence to the physicalist dogma that the value of constant capital >cannot differ from the value of the means of production. The value of the constant capital can be the value of the money needed to purchase the means of production. I do in fact emphasize that this value is different from the value of the means of production as consumed in and transferred to the commodity output. I argue that total value is determined by the value of the means of production consumed in the final output plus new value added--that commodity value is determined by the direct and indirect labor which a commodity embodies. From this the capitalists then deduct the actual money which they have laid out as constant and variable capital, leaving then surplus value. All the best, Rakesh
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