[OPE-L:4687] SV and the F of D

From: Gil Skillman (gskillman@MAIL.WESLEYAN.EDU)
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 19:38:34 EST

Rakesh writes:

>Now...cross examination is up...what's the point...I am anxious to know.  

OK, fair enough.  The point of my questions was to pinpoint where we
diverge in our reading and assessment of Marx's argument in Vol I, Part 2
of Capital.  I think I now know the fundamental point of divergence; it has
to do with the putative implications of Marx's Ch. 4 definition of surplus
value.  Taking Marx's definition of surplus value as simply the positive
difference between M' and M in the circuit of capital M-C-M', and adding no
more than the stipulation that surplus value is an "aggregate category"
descriptive of the capitalist class taken as a whole, you see Marx's Ch. 5
rejection of the possibility of accounting for surplus value merely on the
basis of redistribution of *existing* value as a legitimate *inference*
from his Ch. 4 definition.  As mentioned before, my sense is that many
would agree with you in this understanding of Marx's argument.

But in my reading, if Marx's rejection of redistribution of existing value
as a basis for surplus value is to be understood as an *inference* rather
than as *definitional*, it is plainly invalid, because it is based on a
classic fallacy of division, i.e. the claim that a condition pertaining to
the whole is applicable to a part of the whole.  That is:  since by
definition exchange does not create value, it necessarily follows that,
taken alone, the sphere of circulation can only redistribute existing
values without augmenting the total sum of value.  But it *does not* follow
from this tautology that a given *subset* of traders--say,
capitalists--couldn't systematically end up with more value (M') than they
started with (M) in initiating a particular type of exchange circuit, i.e.
the circuit of capital (M-C-M').  

Thus when Marx says, on pp. 265-6 of Ch. 5, "The value of circulation has
not increased by one iota; all that has changed is its distribution between
A and B.  What appears on one side as a loss of value appears on the other
side as surplus value; what appears on one side as a minus appears on the
other side as a plus,"  that's necessarily true, BUT his conclusion that
"..[t]he capitalist class of a given country, taken as a whole, cannot
defraud itself" is an utter _non sequitur_, because it assumes without
justification that *both* parties A and B in his example are capitalists.
But this need not be the case.  The most obvious counterexample is that
involving merchant capital:

Imagine an exchange economy of A's and B's in which the A's are all small
commodity producers--thus non-capitalists-- and the B's are all merchant
capitalists.  Each merchant capitalist buys commodities from some producers
(M-C)  and sells them to others at a profit (C-M', completing the circuit
of capital).  If this is done by the merchant capitalists as a class we
have surplus value in the sense you attribute to Marx:  M-C-M', with M'
greater than M, as an aggregate category descriptive of the entire class.
Of course, for the class of small commodity producers taken as a whole, we
have an aggregate circuit C-M-C', with the value content of C' less than
that of C, *but this is utterly irrelevant from the standpoint of Marx's
definition, as you have specified it.*  All we need to know is that M' > M
in the circuit of *capital*.

Similar scenarios could be constructed for interest-bearing capital.  In
any case, it is clear that Marx's rejection of redistribution of existing
value as a basis for surplus value *does not follow* from the definition of
surplus value as the positive difference between M' and M and the
tautological observation that new value is not created in exchange, even if
we add the proviso that surplus value is an "aggregate category"
descriptive of the capitalist class.  

There are also deep logical problems with Marx's Ch. 5 argument even when a
stronger definition of surplus value is adopted, but first let's stop and
take stock.  Do you agree that, given your reading of Marx's Ch. 4
definition of surplus value, Marx's Ch. 5 rejection of redistribution of
existing value as a basis of surplus value is a non sequitur based on a
fallacy of division?



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