-----Original Message----- From: Veneziani,R (pgr) [mailto:R.Veneziani@lse.ac.uk] Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 06:05 To: 'srende@econs.umass.edu'; Bar-Isaac,H (pgr); 'v.schlechtriemen@t-online.de'; 'daniel.johnson@york.gov.uk'; 'a.freeman@greenwich.ac.uk'; 'iolm@yahoo.com'; Cruces,GA (pgr); 'david.harvie@ntu.ac.uk'; Hay,J Cc: Testa,C (pgr) Subject: Genoa - To all my non-italian friends Dear all, the facts occurred in Genoa recently have shocked many people and I was one of them. One can have any opinions about globalisation, but I strongly believe that anyone has the right to express his or her opinion without being abused (verbally and phisically), arrested, denied the right to a lawyer and/or consular assistance (if foreigner), illegally and violently searched etc. The police behaviour in Genoa, especially against those who were demonstrating peacefully (and most of them were) is just unacceptable. With several other people, italians living abroad, we have decided to do something, to speak loud. Hence, we have started to circulate the appeal that you will find below (translated in english, too). In less than 24 hours more than 200 italians living abroad have already signed and this only by mail-chains. No help from anyone. We have had so many replies that we had to cancel all messages from the main mail box. Although you cannot sign it, I am sending you this message because I would like you to know what I (and other people) think and how ashamed I am for the behaviour of my government and the police forces. I would also be grateful to all of you if you could circulate, especially if you have italian friends living in your country, but to other people in general. Thank you very much to all of you, and I promise to write to all of you individually very soon. A big hug, Roberto Special thanks to heski who helped for the translation!!! (ENGLISH VERSION AT BOTTOM) PER ADERIRE A QUESTO APPELLO, AGGIUNGI IL TUO NOME IN FONDO ALLA LISTA CHE SEGUE LA LETTERA SPECIFICANDO NOME, OCCUPAZIONE, AFFILIAZIONE, CITTA' DI RESIDENZA ESTERA E SPEDISCI A: letterasugenova@katamail.com L'APPELLO CON LE FIRME RACCOLTE SARA' SPEDITO MERCOLEDI' 1 AGOSTO A MASS-MEDIA ITALIANI E STRANIERI E SITI WEB. DATA LA GRAVITA' DEI FATTI DI GENOVA, TI CHIEDIAMO (RESIDENTE ALL'ESTERO O NO) DI FAR CIRCOLARE QUESTO APPELLO QUANTO PIU' POSSIBILE. APPELLO: << Noi cittadini Italiani residenti all'estero siamo indignati per i fatti di Genova, e proviamo vergogna e imbarazzo per l'immagine che il nostro paese ha offerto ai cittadini dei paesi che ci ospitano. Indipendentemente dalle diverse opinioni sulla globalizzazione, e' inaccettabile che in uno stato che si definisce democratico vengano brutalmente violati i piu' elementari diritti civili. L'incapacita' di tutelare le centinaia di migliaia di manifestanti pacifici; gli arresti, le detenzioni e le perquisizioni arbitrari; l'uso sproporzionato e indiscriminato della violenza da parte delle forze dell'ordine; la violazione del diritto di cronaca; l'utilizzo di militari di leva impreparati ed inesperti, ci sembrano degni di un regime autoritario ed irresponsabile. Riteniamo pertanto necessari l'immediato ripristino dei diritti civili e la chiara individuazione di tutte le responsabilita' all'interno degli organi di governo, delle istituzioni e delle forze dell'ordine. >> 1 Dr. Giulio Alfano, Ricercatore ,Imperial College, Londra, UK 2 Dr. Oriana Bandiera, London School of Economics, UK 3 Giuseppe Bettoni, Centre de Recherche et Analyse Géopolitique (CRAG), Université de Paris VIII 4 Sandra Bulli, London School of Economics, UK 5 Andrea Caggese, London School of Economics, UK 6 Michela Cella, London School of Economics, UK 7 Lorenzo Coppi, Charles Rivers Associates, London 8 Dr. Marco Leonardi, London School of Economics, UK 9 Emanuela Lotti, PhD in Economics, Universita' di Southampton, UK 10 Daniela Pistillo, Zoology Department, University of Cambridge, UK 11 Dr. Leonzio Rizzo, London School of Economics, UK 12 Federica Sbergami, IUHEI, Ginevra, Svizzera 13 Dr L.S.Talani, Associate Expert, UNODCCP Cairo Regional Office, Egypt 14 Dr. Cecilia Testa, London School of Economics, UK 15 Roberto Veneziani, London School of Economics, UK 16 Barbara Verardo, London School of Economics, UK 17 Barbara Veronese, London School of Economics, UK THE FOLLOWING TEXT IS A LETTER BY ITALIAN CITIZENS LIVING ABROAD TO EXPRESS CONCERN FOR THE DRAMATIC EVENTS OF GENOA. IT WILL BE SENT TO ITALIAN AND FOREIGN MASS-MEDIA NEXT WEEK. PLEASE HELP US TO CIRCULATE IT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. TEXT: << We, Italian citizens resident abroad, express our concern for the dramatic events that occurred in Genoa. We are ashamed and embarrassed of the image our country has given to the citizens of our host nations. Leaving aside any opinions on globalisation, it is unacceptable that in a democratic country the most fundamental civil rights have been brutally violated. We believe that the inability to protect hundreds of thousands of peaceful demonstrators; the arbitrary arrests, detentions and searches; the disproportionate and indiscriminate use of violence by the police forces; the suppression of free pres, the use of young and inexperienced conscripts from the army, are all typical of an authoritarian and irresponsible regime. Therefore we ask for the immediate restoration of civil rights and call for those responsible within the government, the institutions and the police forces to be identified and held accountable.>>
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