Brief comments: 1) Re Michael P's [5926]: "We" are not part of the US ruling class. We, as workers and as Marxists, should therefore not identify ourselves with the US state or its policies. 2) Re Alfredo's question on "crusades": It was intended, I believe, for internal consumption. One has to remember that much of Bush's support comes from the 'Christian right'. Moreover, an explicitly Christian message resonates well in a country that is overwhelmingly composed of people who identify themselves as Christians. 3) Re Patrick's response to Paul B on Mandela: Patrick: did you note that Paul put the word 'terrorist' in quote ['...'] marks? Is it just possible that you misinterpreted his message? 4) On the following from Patrick's [5931]: > The public works injection associated with > rebuilding New York and > expanding the military will increase the size of > the GDP. It could increase employment, especially in the construction trades in NYC and with defense contractors. Other sectors, including the airlines and tourism, can be expected to suffer, particularly in the short-term. Will this necessarily increase US GDP? Well, it will almost certainly increase state debt and could quite likely lead to increased taxation. The latter could lower disposable income, lead to decreased rates of consumption (and possibly investment), and lower GDP. Moreover, in the short- to medium-term an exacerbated recession is a likely consequence of the WTC attacks. In solidarity, Jerry
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