Allin and Nicola, I am leaving the country tomorrow and can provide this additional info on the CNN use of old footage. I expect more information by the time I return. For now one of my family members reports [identification excised unless I get permission; I do have name and email address]: "I trust --- to have accurately reported this information. I have known --- for 15-20 years, and served on the --- local committee for several years when --- was the program director. Whether I agree with --- or not on strategies and interpretations that one derives from facts (and --- and I have quite different strategies and interpretations resulting from this attack), I have always found --- to be very careful to be accurate about the facts that he reports." I have now asked a second family member to see if the videos themselves are directly accessible, but will not be able to report on that before the week of October 8. Paul Z. ************************************************************************ Paul Zarembka, editor, RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY at ********************* nicola taylor <> said, on 09/23/01: >I think it would be a very interesting lead to follow up, if you/someone >has time. [CNN tends to be a very sophisticated news producer and I would >be quite surprised if they used old footage in a breaking news story, but >it is not impossible and stranger things have happened].
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