[OPE-L:6655] Re: Re: The Good Lord ?

From: Rakesh Bhandari (rakeshb@stanford.edu)
Date: Mon Mar 04 2002 - 17:09:03 EST

I believe Desai has written quite a bit about Hayek and the traverse 
and all that. It's interesting that the pre popular front Strachey 
refers to Hayek and Robbins as responsible thinkers aligned with the 
bourgeoisie as opposed to those professional economists who linked 
with New Deal politics shared--according to Strachey--the same 
delusions as fascists and adventurers as to the reformability of 
capitalism. I don't know if Desai has leaped from the left to right 
(and look forward to reading his book) but it would not be a 
difficult thing to do given Strachey's framework which (i don't know) 
he  may have abandoned for a policy orientation towards the very 
purchasing power expedients he once mocked? At any rate, I think I 
read Desai saying somewhere that the future of the theory of 
accumulation remains in a synthesis of Hayek and Marx, not in Keynes. 
By the way, do Hayekian triangles have their roots in Tugan's theory 
of accumulation?

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