Dear Geert I recall MEGA2 take this seriously enough to have republished it. I canot recall the volume number, but there will be plenty of stuff about its publication in the Apparat. However I also know a couple of letters where Marx disparages the booklet and he forbade the use of his name. The work he did was just to prevent the most egregious blunders. I have not seen the English but your info maay be a little wrong. Draper has it published by Weydemeyer in his journal dec '77 til March '78 and then it came out as a pamphlet *Extracts from the Capital of Karl marx* , Hoboken, Sorge, n.d. [Aug 1878]. Chris >Dear comrades. Here is a request for information. > >I have a German booklet of 90 small pages which is an abbreviation of >"Capital I" by Johann Most (a German "activist"). The text has been revised >by Marx & Engels (my edition also shows what additions/revisions M&E made >to the original). >There seems to be an 1890 English translation of this; although it is >possible that a new translation/edition came out after 1972. Has anybody >seen this? If so could you give me the full bibliograhical details of >this English edition? >All I have is this: > >Most, Johann (1876), "Kapital und Arbeit; `Das Kapital' in einer handlichen >Zusammenfassung, Von Marx und Engels selbst revidiert und bearbeited >" [Capital and Labour; an abbreviation of `Capital', as revised by Marx >and Engels themselves] Chemnitz 1876; ed. H. M. Enzensberger, Frankfurt >a.M., Suhrkamp 1972 >{this is the edition I have; it provides the following scarce information >about English editions: 1st English edition, New York, Otto Weydemeyer >1878; 3rd English edition, International Library No. 2, New York, John >Mueller 1890. I would think this is the last one prior to 1972, since the >editor says that the 1972 edition is checked against the 1890 edition. >[there also exist an 1873 German edition, unrevised by Marx and Engels] > >(BTW, in the MEW there are comments by M&W about this booklet.) > >Regards, >Geert 17 Bristol Road, Brighton, BN2 1AP, England
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