Call for Papers: Complex Multi-agent interaction dynamics Please forward this call for papers to any relevant lists or individuals The journal Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (DDNS) is producing a special issue on the topic of "Complex multi-agent interaction dynamics". DDNS's main field of interest is the use of nonlinear difference equations to model complex phenomena in natural and social systems. However, the rise in computer processing power, and the development of powerful parallel processing hardware and software, has made it possible to model many complex systems as the result of the interactions of discrete agents. This special issue of DDNS will focus exclusively upon this approach to system modelling. Papers will be considered on any and all topics, so long as the paper meets the parameters of using interactive multiple agent systems to generate or explain complex systems. While it is expected that the majority of papers will report on computer simulations of complex systems, we will also consider papers that consider the philosophical and methodological issues involved, or that consider the relationship of this approach to modelling to more traditional techniques (such as systems of difference or differential equations). Book reviews are also invited. The editors for this special issue are: Steve Keen, University of Western Sydney: Ric Herbert, University of Newcastle: Russell Standish, University of New South Wales: Papers should be no more than 6,000 words in length (2,000 words for book reviews), and should where possible include colour reproductions of any graphics (DDNS frequently prints high quality colour plate reproductions). Submitted papers should use the following format: * Electronic submission, either by anonymous ftp to:; or by email attachment to the editors for this special issue PDF is the preferred file format (check with the editors before submitting files in any other format apart from PDF or Microsoft Word); Two files must be submitted: One an abstract noting author(s), affiliations, & physical and email addresses; a second file containing the submitted paper plus abstract, without authorship details; File names should follow the convention DDNS_PrimaryAuthorSurnameAbstract & DDNS_PrimaryAuthorSurname; these will be changed to a numerical naming system when sent to referees; Headers and footers should identify the paper title, page number etc., but should not mention author names; Limitations should be placed on the quality of any graphics to keep file size below 2 megabytes; The deadline for paper submission is August 31st, 2002. About the Journal DDNS is an refereed international multidisciplinary research and review journal, published 4 times a year by Gordon and Breach Harwood Science Publications, which is a Member of the Taylor & Francis Group. For more information, please consult the journal's Web Page: Home Page: Associate Professor Steve Keen School of Economics and Finance Campbelltown Campus, Building 11 Room 30, UNIVERSITY WESTERN SYDNEY LOCKED BAG 1797 PENRITH SOUTH DC NSW 1797 Australia 61 2 4620-3016 Fax 61 2 4626-6683 Mobile 0409 716 088
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